Thursday, June 13, 2019

There's Got to Be a Morning After

My poor pooch is hankering for his couch buddy. I'm guessing through the drug induced fog, his buddy is hankering for him as well.
An uneventful night in ICU is a good night. Thank you Lord!

The cardiologist surprised me by stopping into see me after rounds about 11:30 last night.  He talked to us for a half an hour. I think he was too tired to go home. 
He was surprised and happy that Handy Man knew him and reached out to shake his hand.
He said it appeared that things were going well, but he wasn't the person to ask as he has only ever seen four patients who've had the procedure Handy Man just experienced.
That is not exactly what I had hoped to hear, but at least he is honest.
Then he added there was no other viable option for Handy Man.

I asked him about the surgeon's comment - "Scary and Big"  I wanted something more than "big" which just has no value for me.  He said his heart was three times the size it should have been. Whoa.
I don't know if that means the whole heart, or the area of damage that they removed.

It is completely not of my brain's understanding, at least in a physical sense, that he was walking, talking, looking and acting for the world like any dead on regular Joe with his heart in such a compromised state.

A big family was in the waiting room all day yesterday. The patient with the heart that went the night before was only 45. I guess he wasn't able to have this surgery and was sent across the river for something more mechanical in nature.

Why Handy Man's blocked widowmaker didn't stop his early departure from this world, only his Heavenly Father knows.

Today will be a big day and I pray not too scary.
The goal will be that when the vent comes off, his breathing will not overly stress his heart. When the balloon comes out, the heart will do the job the balloon was doing.  The drains will stop draining so they can be removed.

I find this surgeon very challenging to try and communicate with.  Not because of his speech, because he just doesn't really care to.  That being said, the cardiologist was clearly amazed by how quick the  surgeon got in there and back out.  Apparently, the heart/lung bypass begins to cause all sorts of problems I don't understand when the body has been on it too long.   Also, the surgeon said they were to call him, not the on-call guy if there was a need and lastly, every other time I went back for my 3 minute visit, they said the surgeon had called.  So, I will say he appears to be very mindful of my man.

Bless that reconfigured heart, Handy Man is a model patient.

All prayers appreciated as we continue to venture where few men have gone before.


  1. Am glad things are getting better,We will keep praying for him and his soon recovery. Prayers for you too, thank you for letting us know what is going on.

  2. My prayers and thoughts as Handy Man and you are going through these challenging days. I love you both and am here for anything you may need.

  3. My prayers continue for both of you.
