Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Technology Ugh

Well, my home computer gave it up.  I knew it was coming.  It had been nine years, so a good run, but I so hate new technology.   Even if I loved getting a new computer, this was not a good time.
Having four hundred different user names and passwords makes me want to run screaming in the night.  So often I've found with new appliances and technology, it really doesn't work, at least for my purposes, any better than it did. So, too much money and stress for what?  Ahh, first world problems.

So, my stress level is high anyway with going back to work a reality.  Then, I didn't find out until Sunday that our classrooms were supposed to be ready a week early (yesterday),  and I have a new Interactive Panel in place of my SmartBoard that I do not know the first thing about using, which wouldn't matter if I did, it isn't connected to a thing.  Add to that, another four people in my circle  left us in the past week- another precious grandma, two beloved daddies and a dear sister.  My, my, my, so sad.

Handy Man and I have been busy.  Since losing the life vest and seeing that his heart could manage during the stress test he seems to have come leaps and bounds-praise the Lord!  His been a big help here at home and in my classroom, and in the little school garden we've had to keep watered.  I wanted to do a couple of fun things and I had two gift cards that were the Visa kind that could be used on anything, so last week we went to an elephant encounter.
 When it comes to beasties, my first loves are my SamWise and my chickie girls, but after that it is gorillas.  I would probably be one of those kind of people that go off and live with the gorillas. Those mountain gorillas have my heart, though hot flashes might have sent me running back to civilization, I just got to tell you. After I'd read about everything written about gorillas, I moved on to to elephants, which just blow me away with their strength and intelligence.  Soooo, I might could be persuaded to go live with elephants as well.  Since I can't, I was interested in this encounter.
I have a lot of mixed emotions about animals in captivity.  I would prefer they weren't.  However, I am well read on the way elephants are used for labor in other countries as well as the slaughter for ivory.  This hunk of love Lou, has excellent care and ten acres to roam with companions, so not a bad deal.  I just loved her. I could not help myself.

 She gets a bath every day with special soap to keep her skin healthy.
 Handy Man commented that he never expected to give an elephant a bath.

She's actually hairy all over, but it is hard to see until you get close.  We were with her for two hours and it was so fun to watch all the ways she uses that amazing trunk and to learn about her life.

After her bath, she gets let out to roam and eat and do whatever elephants do with her buds, Pancho and Lefty.
I love flowers about as much as beasties. The ones Rae grew are so long lasting. Some of these flowers were almost two weeks cut.
 I worked a lot in classroom these past few days and had some great help from friends that I so appreciated.
On Saturday there was a free bluegrass concert in the square in Corydon.  We went out with Aunt Tish, had a great time and returned and enjoyed some leftovers for supper.

Ol' Mother Hubbard invited us out for dinner on Sunday.  Ol' Henry had volunteered as a mentor for a young man at camp, which was closer to me than to her, so after church I rode out and picked him up.  It was hot and I knew he was tired, so we stopped and got a big drink!  I'm proud of him.

 It was back to work on Monday, most all of the day before I went to wish Bean a very happy 15th birthday.  How did that happen?  It was good to see Ceece's Mom and Handy Man in a different setting than the hospital. Can I hear an "Amen."

A long, long time ago, about 27 years by my recollection, the Lord gifted me with a youth minister who helped make life with three teenagers doable. I had no idea  she would also turn out to be such a good friend of mine.  She wanted us to do a little road trip before I returned to school, so today I got to show her around my most favorite little town, New Harmony.  Not only was the weather great, but there were those huge, delicious, multi-layered puff clouds.  It was simply perfect and I so appreciate it.
 Speaking of appreciation, another anonymous card came with more groceries.  Tears come again.  I hope the person knows that Handy Man is just incredulous and I am grateful.  Tomorrow we should find out about work, so hopefully soon there will be no need and before long we can do some bestowing gifts, though I've tried to supply lots of love and thanks through bread and cinnamon rolls.
It reminds me of the old Johnny Appleseed song. Do you know it?
Oh the Lord's been good to me and so I thank the Lord,
For giving me the things I need, the sun and the moon and the apple tree,
(healing, helping hands, groceries)
Oh the Lord's been good to me!  He has.

1 comment:

  1. That was such a neat trip to New Harmony...we will have to find that Arboretum in the spring! Did you get to see those giraffes at Wilstem Ranch? We didn't get to bathe the elephants on the day we went. That's neat.
