Monday, May 6, 2019

Show and Tell

My Show and Tell for my classroom today was Handy Man.  A lot of my teacher friends are his friends too and everyone has been worried sick.  I thought they would like to see him, and he likes all the hugs. Also, I just think he needs a little of something novel in his days. 
These waiting days are long.
So I packed lunches and Rae and the boys picked him up and brought him to school.
Last summer,  one of our instructional assistants helped me with Wood's Camp and brought her little JuneBug along.  She and Giddy-Up became best buddies.
The boys and I had lunch with her, while Handy Man and Rae ate with the teachers.  Then we went to creek. You can get the idea of the Life Vest through a shirt, so I showed my kiddos how it worked. 

Did you know it cost $40 for your health care person to sign the FMLA forms?  I won't say anymore about that here.

My planning time this morning was spent trying to be sure that the folks at the different hospital are aware that he needs a pre and post treatment as a measure to protect his kidney function with a dye test. 

So tomorrow we'll be off for labs and then a visit with Doctor Big Cat Daddy.  I can hardly wait.

This was surely a gorgeous day, thank the Lord. Seems life is easier in the sunshine.


  1. And the beat goes on. I know you think of little else & only for a short time. God bless you.

    1. So true. If I had the stamina to keep myself so busy I didn't have time to imagine, it would good. Alas, I don't. Thanks girl. God does bless us. I need to look a little more intently sometimes.
