Saturday, April 18, 2020

Black-eyed Peas

 Shopping in the pantry yesterday, pondering what to fix, I found some baked beans, then a can of black-eyed peas.  In some long ago time I had everything in said pantry sorted according to type of food.  It made me think of how we bring in every New Year's in our family with cabbage and black-eyed peas for good luck.  It occurred to me that perhaps not quite enough  cabbage and peas were consumed in the New Year, so I threw them in the cast iron skillet to burbble and boil with the typical bean.  Interesting, they were not noticeable, none of that typical dirt taste.

I have been checking our bluebird box at school.  I miss sharing that with my littles, so I photograph and share on their blog.
Mrs. Bluebird is undeterred by Corona.
It is kind of grounding in such times to see so many cycles of life going right on.

Today my kids are picking up their last packet of the year, with five weeks worth of work inside.  E-learning is like classroom learning,in that what works for one doesn't work for another.  Some love the videos and want more, some don't.  Some want more work, some less. I just want them gathered round my feet and seeing their face and not mine when I teach.

You think I'd be used to being jerked out of my norm and set on a new road.
For me, this has been a hard week.  Lots of memories floating about of last year's big jerk out of normal.  Today is the anniversary of this Saturday last year-after a night in the hospital and thinking we'd get new meds and go home, the cardiologist dropped the bomb that Handy Man's heart might be irreparably broken.  What?  They fix people's hearts constantly, like getting a root canal. Actually some  of my dental work might take longer than some heart work.  
It was a long and challenging summer of waiting and praying, so many joining with me and the outcome of a miracle.  Still, this virus doesn't appear to be going anywhere and he would be a person that is not a good candidate for it coming for a visit.
I think a lot about all the people waiting.  If I was gone from the hospital for more than an hour I was in a full blown panic.  I just can hardly bear those poor folks who can't even hold a hand.
I have it on good authority that the staff really makes an effort to be close at hand and do all the comfort they can when the end comes.  Bless all their hands and hearts.
So, not a very uplifting post huh?
And, I just got a call. I knew Jimi's blood was dropping again, but it has dropped 3 units in three days and is now again in the danger zone. Prayers please as he's headed to the hospital, so guess I get to find out about that waiting. Lord have mercy.

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