Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Where We Are, Where We May Be Going

I understand a little better about the bypass situation. I don't like what I understand better. It makes me cry to write it.  Please understand these are laymen terms. 
It would do no good to put a new artery that flows blood to a place in the heart that is now unable to receive said blood, due to extensive damage. 
That is where we are at. 
The only bypass possibility involves resectioning the heart. In other words, what no longer functions is removed, working heart muscle is then put together, and new arteries are grafted in to supply it with blood.
In order to consider such a thing, a cardiac MRI must be done and the decision made.  They believe they have stabilized our Handy Man enough to send him home to rest with a life vest.  He can take a few days to allow his kidneys to recover from the dye tests, get some much needed rest, get the MRI and then find out what can be done.
Still out is the outcome of the angiogram on his carotid artery. That will let us know if we come home tomorrow or when.
We've moved to the PCU so he can be up and around as he is able.
Our world has been turned upside down.
So thankful for all the people reaching out to us.  We appreciate every prayer, and hug and lunch and goodie bag and errand run.

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