Sunday, June 26, 2011

Little Red Hen

I ran off to Indy yesterday. It is nice to feel free to do that when it's summertime. I still do such things when I'm teaching, but it really is tough to only have one day to play catch-up from the week when I need about three days. Anyway, it was cool and beautiful and nothing more pressing than a wish to spend the day with folks I love, so off I drove.
I returned home to some sad news. Handy Man found Little Red Hen dead in the chicken yard, like she literally fell over and died. I was not expecting this, no warning. She was one of my most favorites. There are two more of her kind, Henny Penny and Ruby. Now, I'll be nervous about them.
It's afternoon already, how did that happen. I've been out in the garden most of the morning, but I must remove the layer of garden I brought in with me and move onto to other chores and errands.
Have a blessed Sunday!!


  1. Oh, what sad news. Such a beautiful hen too. I envy them (and you) that beautiful bright sunshine in your picture! That, combined with your lovely yellow website, brings sunshine to grey melbourne winters, you know!

  2. The Little Red Hen was one of my favorite books when I was a kid, and your hen looks as though she could have stepped off the page. I know you must be sad.

  3. Sorry about your little red hen. Hope the others are OK.

  4. She was a pretty girl and I'll long be looking around trying to find her I guess. So far, with the others, so good. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

  5. So sorry to read that your sweetie passed away. I hope the others are well.
