This year I decided I'd try a couple of different types of squashy, melony things, since we were having an up garden and a down garden. I chose things that advertised a thick skin, hoping to keep some again throughout the winter. I know this type of plant is a nutrient suck, so I dumped a lot of chickie compost where I planted the futsu seed. There were only about ten seeds in the pack, so you can imagine my disappointment when only two seeds germinated. Note to self- no more futsu seed from this company. Again, little did I know. Am I sounding like a broken record? If all ten seeds had germinated in that lovely chickie compost, we'd be having to chop our way out of the house every morning.
This picture was taken about three weeks ago. The bush you see is several feet out of the garden where the seeds were planted an it's grown many feet beyond that and way around the left, entirely blocking the garden entrance. It's half again as big now, has nearly covered the raspberry patch and half way through the garden. I found one futsu that was completely flat on one side where the down garden bunny was gnawing it. I picked it and gave it to the girls. Later, I discovered it hadn't been touched. Great, I have a horizontal Jack in the Beanstalk plant and nothing to eat the fruit-well, there was the bunny. When I looked closer, I realized poor bunny did not make it all the way through to the meat and seeds, so I set about to pry that puppy open so the girls could try it. It took stinkin' forever to get through that hull. When I finally did, the girls loved it and now it's just a withered shell. I'm wondering if these squash would keep even longer than winter with that thick shell.
Just talked to Kaye. She if feeling a little better. I tried to tempt her to ride out here if I fixed her some fried green tomatoes-no luck. Her procedure is at 5:30 am on Monday morning. Which means poor Pete will have to get her up and about at 4 o'clock. Love their hearts, as my Aunt Lois would say.
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