Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ever a First

So today is my first official day of having nothing going on.  I got all the medicine mess attended to yesterday, only four trips to three different pharmacies, but we're good now for 90 days.  I dropped off and picked up Uncle Jimi for Physical Therapy, which I know he needs, but I wish he wasn't doing. After six weeks of visiting in a hospital setting, it was sure good to see him in his ovie alls, and walking with just his walking stick.  I was scheduled for a Dialysis pick-up, but Jake is working from home today, so I don't need to go.
I've never been a productive person when there is no other person involved.  I assume I will work as long as I can.  I don't like pod casts, I prefer to read. I don't like TV at all.  I hate to clean, especially by myself.  Kaye would always come over back in the day and boss me around while I cleaned my own house to her specifications. It was great.  I have three hundred and forty seven things I could do and don't want to do any of them.
I will bake some bread to make some home door knob deliveries.  I have cards and stamps, so will send some notes, I will make some good chicken soup.  What you going to do today?

Do you know who these spring beauties are?

I listened to, "His eye is on the sparrow" this morning. Thank you Johna, that is great tune to have rolling around in my crazy brain.


  1. First official day off?! Relaxation is in order. Love seeing your pictures. All the kiddo's sure are sweet!

  2. Girlfriend, I will work for your food any day.
