Saturday, May 16, 2015

What's Growing?

Well, sadly, not too much.  I fought the deer, and the deer won.  I miss my garden.  A flower cutting garden and tomatoes are summer to me, but I just don't know what to do about it.
I can't have nothing growing, so I have my little lettuce/herb bed,
a few pots with tomatoes and peppers and more herbs

 and one gigantic cabbage, just to see how big I can get it to grow,

 and a new deal we tried- a Hugelkultur bed.

 I like to grow something pumpkinish for the kids and the hens.  We always have tons of trees down that Handy Man is cutting up.  Well, you make a bed of dead tree logs or sections, cover it with the sticks from all over the yard, dump on some dirt and plant your seeds there.  I thought pumpkins were a good choice as they require lots and lots of nutrients to grow. Actually, the first layer was some of what came out of the coop a few weeks ago.

One little punkin seed popping out.

We went to see Tim's newest punkin' yesterday, Hattie Jane. She's a cutie.

So off to get ready to spend the weekend at school as we present SchoolHouse Rock, our spring musical.
Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. I tried pumpkins a few years back and while the vines were beautiful and so were the flowers I never got any pumpkins! Jenna is trying this year (it has been warm here for sometime) and so far I don't think she is having any better luck than I had! Can't wait to see how yours turn out.
