Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thunder Over Louisville

Good Morning World and faithful friends and family- Rae is sitting up this morning and able to manage wee Gideon Tolan on her own for a bit. I've been amazed at her tenaciousness in nursing this boy and holding him in spite of how she's feeling. He is nursing well. She's a bit woozy, but no fever, swelling or shakes. She can sit up a bit, but can't get up at all. Based on advice from a few trusted sources, we try the transfusion again this morning with a different protocol. Hoping for a bright and happy post this noon.
We were finally moved to a regular room at nine last night and both Rae and Michael actually got to sleep for a few hours for the first time.
If all goes well, this tired Gramerly will be headed away from the Thunder activity and home to my warm and cozy bed and Handy Man this evening. Though the circumstances have been daunting, I've enjoyed watching this threesome become a family. Precious. I've enjoyed this tiny newborn immensely, in spite of the chaos and fear I've felt over my girl.
Umm, did I say I've never been as scared as I was yesterday.
So thankful for faithful prayer warriors and people willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus to us. I can't conceive it's just now been 24hrs.
Okay, today is a new day.
Lord Bless us everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Dear God what an ordeal...I can not imagine your fear.
