Sunday, March 29, 2015

Farewell Spring Break, Welcome Spring

While spring weather has been hit or miss this week, I've enjoyed a restful week.  Sometimes you just don't realize how much you need a bit of peace and calm until the opportunity presents itself.
I know by the time we made up all the snow days last week, walked through the grief and funeral for the wee folk's Grandad and figured out that Auntie G-Lou is going to get better, I was spent.
While I always, always, have a list at least a mile long  to do, I mostly managed to give a workout to my beautiful new honey comb throw, lovingly crocheted for me by Ceece.
It held up marvelously and I foresee many more shared experiences in our future.  Thank you Ceece, I love it.
A friend from school called and invited me to go with her  and her daughter to mass at the Dome in Ferdinand.  If you've never visited there, I would encourage you to go.  It is so warm and beautiful.  I am not Catholic, but I can certainly appreciate the hospitality and beauty.
It seems every time I meet a new Sister.  This time I met a Sister and after learning where we were from,  she asked me if my name was Kimberly.  "Hmm, " I wondered how she would know my name.  It turns out I taught her great niece.  The sweet niece graduated last spring and sent me a very kind and uplifting note about how I had influenced her.  I have to say, I really appreciated hearing that.  Sometimes you work hard and you wonder.
On the way home, I had the pleasure of introducing my friend and former student to Hemlock Cliffs. They loved it as much as I do. Well, maybe. 
Just a few of the earliest flowers were peeking out.
 Ahhh, that means I will have to go back in a few weeks.

It will be a wild and wooly last nine weeks, but I certainly feel more ready to face it than I did last week.
And we're off!

1 comment:

  1. Spring break must be even more important to teachers than it is to students. You need that break! Glad you got some needed rest and a chance to go visit nature, too. Looks like Spring really is coming to your neighborhood.
