Tuesday, March 24, 2015


The first All Day Playdate of 2015.  Oh my!  While we didn't enjoy  the higher temps of Saturday and Sunday, it was warm enough and there was no rain- blessing, indeed.
Since there is a school at the other end of our property, I took the kids up to enjoy their playground equipment for  awhile.
After playing hard all morning, I sat them down to have a Playdate Committee Meeting.

A brisk business at the Ice Cream Shoppe.

Several of my Playdaters are growing up, and as school for them becomes more and more of just desk sitting and worksheets, I find it takes them longer and longer to remember how to play and imagine when given the opportunity.  Toys at Gramerly's fall into 0 to 8 year old range, and video games are a dirty word in this house.
I wanted to know what they wanted to do. So I began the meeting with a question.  What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of your Playdate experience?  While the older ones pondered, the three year old immediately blurted- "Popsicles!"  Love it!
Next came, "Cousins," then "Friends,"  then "Creek,"  and "Chickens."
The big boys agreed that there wasn't much in  the ways of toys for them, but really couldn't tell me toys they would enjoy.
So, I'm turning over some ideas in my mind about what we might do.  I also told them that part of their role in Playdate now was to show the little ones the many things they've been shown.
The meeting wasn't long and soon they were off.
Giddy-Up noticed some new kids on a different playground and asked if he could check them out.  I sent him on and he shortly returned with young fellow, new to all of us,  declaring, "This is another cousin."  Too funny.
There was time for dancing and spinning.  The girls told me they were dressed as the past, present and future.  For these girlies, imagination and creativity knows no bounds.

A little scrap building with the older boys- be still my heart.  A new toy for the wee folk.

Hanging out.

Being sweet

Poor baby. He came with a clear face, but seems to react to everything. Rae-rae chases him with ointment  for healing it back up.  He loves the outside as much as the rest of this cousins.

We waited until after supper to attempt the creek. The water was so cold that it didn't take long to move to just mud.

Usually, we make Easter candy, but due to the circumstances of the past week, I was short on time and just didn't make it to the candy supply store.  So, I made Rice Krispie treats, cut them out in flowers and we painted those.

  I found a little malted milk ball kit, where you paint white eggs with markers. Markers with NO red dye #40!  With exception to Missy Bugg, they were much more interested in eating them than coloring them.

One thing never changes, and that is one worn out Gramerly at the end of the day, but grateful to the Good Lord, for lots of smiles, sharing, dreaming, imagining and keeping everyone safe.

1 comment:

  1. They sure are a cute bunch of cousins! I wish Amara had more of them and that the ones she does have were closer. Cousin memories are some of my own best!
