This Monday night past was new, as Ol' Henry joined Bean for his first overnight here and only his second ever. They played the evening away and after popcorn and movie were quite ready for bed. On Tuesday, Giddy-Up was beside himself with joy to play with Bean and wore himself completely out.
Though we made a huge mess in Rae's kitchen I fear ( we cleaned it up), Bean cut up Aunt Lois's okra, dipped it in an egg wash and rolled it batter, in addition to shucking the corn. He remembered where her cold water is and made sure she had a drink.
Bean and Bugg aren't frequent visitors to my Mom's, but a few of the times they've been there, Auntie G-Lou has entertained them with the dogs, things growing in the yard and her stash. They were very disappointed to find her away at work their first few visits of summer. But, the last couple they have had her undivided attention.
Bugg was thrilled to no end to make watermelon jelly with her last week. Auntie G-Lou wanted to do something with Bean as well. She had everything ready to make peanut butter candy cookies. They fixed up the pb and crackers, but the chocolate coating would not melt to dip consistency. She was disappointed. Bean, on the other hand, loved helping her bathe her little dog and snuggling with the pooch till she was dry, and was most satisfied with his visit.
Both Auntie SueZQ and Auntie G-Lou take a big interest in my gramerlings and I appreciate it.
We brought some pb and crackers home and I found some chocolate wafers in the pantry and he dipped away.
Notice those ruby-red lips? He came home to a big surprise. On his last overnighter, he had yet another great idea for Playdate- make sno-cones. I loved the idea, but couldn't imagine the reality of crushing up ice for a line fourteen cherubs deep. So, I bought a sno-cone machine. Did I ever mention, or did you notice, that the half of my income I don't spend on my classroom, I spend on my grandkids? It is ridiculous, truly. But, the whole hugging me twenty times with heartfelt appreciation, repeated doses of "Playdate just can't come fast enough" and his joy at making and eating them, makes it seem worthwhile.
He's headed out for vacation after Playdate this week and will celebrate his birthday way south of here. So in addition to sno-cones, we'll have some Wizard of Oz cupcakes, some science fun and do our best not to melt in the 100 degree temps this Thursday. I just can't get ahold of him being eight. I don't know how that can be. I do know that for these eight years he has delighted me.
Yes, if it wasn't for my granddaughter -- I might actually get some money saved -- but it sure wouldn't be as much fun!