Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heat Cancels Playdate

So hot, heat advisory, seeking someplace cool.  Handy Man and I headed to Kid's Commons with Bean and Bugg in tow.  It is really a well done children's spot.  I've taken Bean before, but Bugg had never been and couldn't wait to climb through the commode.  It's three floors of how a house works in the places you don't see. They learn about heat, electricity, plumbing, insulation, etc.  There are many, many other things to do as well as the Inside a House exhibit.

Down she goes!

Napping in the trailer.

Disappearing through the hidden passageway in the bookcase.

In Bubbleology

 I've spent quite a bit of time in various museums watching them try to completely envelope themselves in a bubble. This is the tallest on I've seen yet.
 Bugg at the tiptop.

 Bean climbing the wall.

Fun times.
I said, "Bugg, why do you have on a corduroy jumper that's a size too small in the middle of July?" She replied, "It is my Daddy's favorite colors."  Enough said.


  1. What a fun way to cool off! And Bean is way to brave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, my. This looks like a fun place. And I want to climb the wall!

  3. Well it looks like a great place to cool off.

    With all that I am
    Carrie The Handmade Homemaker"

  4. How fun! Is this in Louisville? I searched online and didn't find it right away.
