Monday, January 2, 2012

It's Here 2012

Bugg did manage to get some peanut butter on the pinecone, but needed some New Year's peanut butter for her ownest self. You know peanut butter is a real treat.
The bird feeders have to go way up high to keep them out of Arwen's mouth.
Lest you think peanut butter was the dish of the day, we enjoyed our usual corned beef, cabbage and black-eyed peas.
Giddy-up thought it was all dee-wishus.
Time for his winter bath. Between the peanut butter and drinking straight from the fountain, you'd think we never feed this kidlets or give them anything to drink. The baby enjoyed a bath, a drink and live action of the chickie girls out of the kitchen window.
Before dinner, he was a bit resistant to napping, so I bundled him up and we took a big walk. He fell fast asleep and I basked in his chubby cheeked dreamland, holding him close while he snoozed. He woke up smiling and happy, so he and I continued to play and Mama got to eat her New Year's dinner with the Papa and the Pappy in relative calm. That's the longest I've had a hold of that boy since he was tiny.
So, to end the year cuddling a sweet girl and begin a new year cuddling a sweet boy was a terrific end and an equally marvelous beginning.
Pete took in a movie with David on the eve of the New Year, then he and Ol' Mother Hubbard visited his sweetie on Sunday. He's visiting shut-ins and attending grief counseling and doing the best he can.
I returned to work today, while the Handy Man had one last day off. My students return tomorrow.
Happy New Year to all.

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