Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Crazies

This has been a wild and wooly week of Christmas. Last Saturday was the Annual Gingerbread House Party and Thursday was the Christmas musical at school that I'm sort of in charge of. Both came off wonderfully, thank the Lord, though I was seriously doubting that reality on more than one occasion.
I put the houses together for the wee folk, so they are dry and hard as concrete. That way the little house will hold up for the weight of ten pounds of candy.

This is the way we make the house, make the house, make the house,
This is the way we make the house, very late on Friday evening.

Here on number twenty-five you wonder why, you wonder why,
Here on number twenty-five you wonder why you do this.
( I didn't actually have quite that many to make this year, but it rhymes so nicely.)

This is when you remember why, remember why, remember why
This is when you remember why, so this boy has a tradition.

Yes, the concrete did survive, did survive, did survive,
Yes, the concrete did survive an avalanche of candy!
Did you know this is what most four year olds do? Well, now you know.

And here I am already to another Saturday and today, it's all about fudge!

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