Monday, June 29, 2009

Blueberries for Bugg

Wow, what a beautiful morning. Handy Man and I headed out at 7 to Bryant's Bluberries for our yearly stash of delectable blue jewels. The weather was perfect and the Bluerays were abundant. In two hours, we picked twenty-five pounds, which should be enough to hold Bugg and I over for a few weeks. She's the only person I know who loves them as much as I do. I did hold back a few for the freezer and I'll share some with Rae and Mom. I can't wait to see Missy Bugg dig in.
I love to listen to little ones when they talk and play. Bean, Bugg and I were having lunch recently and had two chip choices, Pringles and another kind. Bean tried the "another kind" and said, "I like those, but I like wrinkles better." Then Bugg bit down on something and cried. Bean exclaimed, "Don't worry, she does that all the time. Either she's faking or she's getting in a new boulder." Wrinkles, boulders, Pappy Cakes, I love it.
We hurried home from picking this morning to let the chickie girls out. They are getting so big and change from morning to night and night to morning with new feathers and new colors. I'm amazed at how they clear out all the vegetation in the chicken tractor by the afternoon. They love my homemade bread and still devour the Japanese Beetles. I'm hearing new chickie noises that sound like a little soft cluck instead of just peeping.
Arwen made the move from in the house puppy to Chicken Protector with relative ease. Me, not so much. God love that Handy Man of mine, he sat up half the night reading in the pen watching Arwen and checking on the chickie girls the first night. Last night he checked them three times before he came to bed. I put a couple of tree limbs in the brooder and he says they look so cute all lined up, roosting for the night.
I think he's more worried about me worrying about them. He said Arwen took her patrol role very seriously and woofed and watched after every noise she heard. Now if we can convince her that chickie girls aren't puppy toys, we'll be doing good.
The chickie girls will be out for playdate on Wednesday, so come on over and check them out.

1 comment:

  1. So everyone made it through the big move? Oma said she may stop by tomorrow to check out the chickies in their new digs!
