Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Back At It

Today was the first student day and as you might guess it was strange and exhausting.  I am looping this year so it really helped that they are already familiar with a lot of things and genuinely seemed very happy to be back.

All this time I've worn the flat to my face mask, most made by Ceece, which has served me well these many months. They've been washed many times and live in my car for whatever has needed doing in public. I had no idea that running into a store is very different than wearing this most of the day and talking a lot with it on.  Oh my, they get so hot.  The phrase, "Full of hot air" is quite accurate as it turns out.  Then I have like a really fat head, so it feels like your pig tails are too tight and your ears are about to pull off.  Thankfully, my friend Peggy and my sister were able to make ones that aren't flat for the classroom.  I sort of resemble a strange exotic bird with a very colorful beak.


Our rooms are not that big to begin with and we have almost no storage.  With desks spread apart it just felt all day like something was off. 
The kids were really great and did an amazing job at keeping their masks on, hanging them on their hook when they ate lunch, etc.  It really takes a lot of your school day for ever keeping them apart, only letting one in the closet at a time, two in the bathroom, etc. 
I have to say it cramps my style in a huge way.  I always had lots of places for kids to sit or stretch out. We frequently used the gym for movement and a change of pace, and I often brought them back to sit with me on a rug so we'd be close and I could easily engage those that struggle with focus.  I don't even know how the kids in the back of the room will be able to see the board. We would sing all the time before.   So, like everything else since March, it is my room and they are my students, but nothing feels normal.  I hope it comes in time. 

It is interesting because I asked my kids what they were most worried about and most of them said, "E-Learning. " It seems some kiddos are happy as can be to learn that way, but it seems it wasn't a good fit for my little classroom.  I asked what things were they glad about and most of them said, "Being able to come back to my same room and same teacher."  Well, that was sweet and makes me feel better about the hoops I'm jumping through. 

I would have happily come straight home and gone straight to bed.  I know I'd be plenty sorry when I woke up at midnight, yawn.  I miss having the energy to do more in the evening.  Oh well.

Uncle Jimi left the hospital, against doctor's orders on Sunday.  This balance between keeping water off of the kidneys and having to have it to carry off the ammonia from the liver is just dreadfully difficult.   I feel his pain and that of his often caring nurses.  I mean how often does someone go from not being able to say his name or get a drink, to full function in twenty four hours, sometimes less. What he desperately needs one day, he doesn't require at all the next. Once he has his wits about him, he wants to get up and tend to his own business, but there is still an alarm on his bed or chair, they don't come in a timely manner to get him up and the list just goes on and on.  

Well, we finally did something long past the time we should have. Our wills, living wills, medical powers of attorney, etc. have all been drafted and will soon be signed.  About time.  What is it that makes that so easy to put off and put off?

Come on bedtime!!

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