Sunday, July 27, 2014

Take a Break

 Each Playdate includes story hour, with a snack.  I have a bucket type thing with an airlock lid where fruit chews, SlimJims, cookies, etc. are stored.  Sometimes we veer off the snack bucket path for a special treat. Ceece brought cookie dough and little plastic critters to press in the dough to make our own fossils.
Our little Westerly Wind did not think pressing critters was nearly as fun as eating cookie dough, though it was an interesting concept.


 I'm able to  purchase this parchment like paper in a huge box from the school's food service. I use that stuff for everything.  When baking, just write their name in the corner and Giddy-up is sure to get this gigantic cookie/fossil that is as big as his head that he made for himself.  Dee-wish-us!
 Even a sweet smiley boy likes a little blanket time.  This grin says, "Finally, those people have left me alone for a minute."
Sometimes you just take a break when you can get one.

In addition to the swing's cardboard boxes, the mulch to go under the swing was a pretty exciting place to play as well.
Before the day was through, this pile looked like it had sprouted heads as they buried each other up to their chins.

Hmm, nearly through that last Playdate.  Maybe I'll get 'er done before the next one, in which we will start the school condensed version Playdates.

1 comment:

  1. Playdates at your house really are the best! Love the giant cookie grin!
