This year's school bell will have quite a different ring to it. I have six students. I have never had so few students. I'm not even sure what to think about it.
I didn't waste anytime taking them to check out the bluebird boxes. They were thrilled with a nest of fledglings, sporting just a bit of blue on their wings.Gardner E., along with her sidekick Fiona have already begun a stitching project.
In effort to give them opportunities to spend time and learning experiences with other students, I am doing an interact game with sixth grade called "Bones and Stones." The Falls of the Ohio has great classroom kits for such a study, so since I was heading there Thursday, we moved Playdate to the Falls.
Last time we were here we could've walked a long way out, but too much rain this year.
Still, Bean found fishing lures.
Missy Bugg and Swee-Tee found lots to explore.
It appears that we started a mushroom farm in the side yard. Strider can't figure out what all that stuff is and why it isn't edible. I'm always amazed at how it springs up, almost magically.
Even though it was only three days and six kids, I was most excited to see Saturday arrive.
Only 6 students? Well they will certainly learn a lot and get lots of the teacher's attention! 24 days until 4th grade!