Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Practically Perfect

Well, the rain didn't come as expected today. My school children were glad. They had recess outside and then we went out for what I refer to as "Movement Time" or "Get Your Wiggles Out." The afternoon temperature, breeze and sunshine were delightful.

Usually I end my school day with a mile long walk with a precious friend. We are lucky to find a safe harbor with each other. For twenty minutes we can throw out each thing from our workday that made us cry, or cringe, or snort and spit. Out it goes, and is gone, and our spirits are comforted, renewed.

Today my walk was calling me. It wasn't a fun afternoon. In spite of my hearfelt desire to do good things, keep everyone informed, offer the best of myself each day, some parents can't be impressed, even with your most stellar efforts, can't be appeased regardless. It's hurtful. But alas, a faculty meeting was calling that didn't end until 5:35. Handy Man Pappy had to pick up Bugg and Bean.

When I arrived home, they were already in the creek.

Bugg and I had a tea party. She drew water from the magical fairy fountain, that later became the angel fountain. Such variety like mandarin orange with mango, strawberry and grape, lemon, blueberry and watermelon were politely sipped by the creekside. Her hair is likely at it deepest red for the year. The sun will slowly turn it back to strawberry blond.
Clearly, we weren't the first creek visitors of the day.

Bean made stone soup, which led to a discussion of that story. Our soup contained not only stones, but brick, crystals, sticks, moss and the most special ingredient of all, wrecked car.

The moss led to a discussion of vascular and non-vascular plants.
No stone soup is complete without a many legged critter to add some protein.

Bean had to skip a few rocks before calling it a day. One of them skipped about six times.

We stayed until the last of the day's sun slipped behind the hill. My brave creekers travelled back home through a very dark tunnel. Coming out on the other side brought a confrontation with the swing. Each sweet child got ten pushes each before the lingering twilight deepened.

They had been too busy playing to have a snack, so they both ate all of their green beans, and one and a half oranges. Bugg ate two eggs she cracked and cooked. Bean ate three with two slices of bread and three pieces of bacon.
And just before packing them up to send home with 1st LT., I read my favorite Cinderella type story, Smokey Mountain Rose.
After lots of hugs and kisses, they said goodnight. I realized that big ol' bad day had retreated in the fun, learning, love and sweetness of my little gramerlings. I am blessed.

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