Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh the Wonder of Wednesday

No new pictures today, just journaling about.... you'll never guess, I bet..... the gramerlings!

I'm doing a study with my fourth grade students on Cinderella stories from around the world and I had to go pick up 20 or so at the library last evening. While I was there, I wandered over to the children's books on war. I found three books about the Hunley- the first sub to destroy an enemy ship ever, used in the Civil War. I knew Bean would be elated. Sure enough, we had to read all three books to him. I wasn't through the last one before he needed to go find his own sub and the poor Hustonia that was destroyed by the Hunley. He is the great pretender. Of course, he also had to draw a picture of the whole drama.

He told me he is to bring his favorite book to school on Friday and dress as his favorite character. He is going as Huck Finn. He commented that he'd have to tell his teacher not to read it, cause it was a little long- perhaps so.

On Saturday, I fixed lunch for Rae-rae, Michael and Bean and Bugg. We had fajitas, and as in every meal for them, green beans and fruit. As soon as Bugg saw her plate she yelled, "Gramerly, you forgot something" I asked what I had forgotten and she exclaimed, "Where are the eggs?" All three of them usually eat at least one every meal they are here. I told her if she wsn't full from what was on her plate, I'd be most happy to cook her up an egg.

She wants to play princess much of the time. Tonight we ended up going upstairs where the dollhouse lives, full of princesses and babies. A little girl's delight. We couldn't go to the ball however, because there was a pirate there.

Bean, like us, celebrated Dr. Suess birthday at school this week, so wanted to have a party for his pet leopard beanie baby. We blew up balloons, then science took over as we rubbed them in our hair and stuck them to everything.

They both played so nicely and it was a fun time.

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