Friday, December 29, 2023

Christmas 2023

 A lot of Christmasing going on around here.  I have become really terrible about getting pictures. Just can't keep as many plates spinning as I used to do. 

Let's see, first was the Blackbean Omelet Night with Ol' Mother Hubbard and the Cupboard. I still try to find a funny little toy. I found this very miniature claw toys with the teeniest, tiniest dinosaurs in them. They raced to see who could grab all their mini dinos first. Such a bit of silliness with these teens makes my heart glad.  In addition, I got each of the fairly new coffee connoisseurs a couple of packs of coffee from many different countries with a beautiful postcard about the country and another about the making of the coffee.  Then we gathered on the couch, as our thirteen year tradition dictates, and watched my favorite Christmas flick- Twas the Light Before Christmas. 

Next was the Old Auntie and Nieces and their longest reigning Uncle.

Christmas Eve morning was a full house.  With a new beautiful Gramerling. Welcome Maddie.

Sadly, I didn't get a pic of Tim and family, but they couldn't be any cuter than they are here. 
On Christmas Day, Uncle Tim and Beth came, along with Susie (Stephen was sick) and Jake and Alex. Adam stopped by to see Susie.  I did not take one single picture, but I sure did enjoy the visit. 

Raechel and I had a date to make freezer meals and make them we did ( 24). The boys entertained themselves in a plethora of ways.  We were late getting started as Gideon required a hand gluing at the clinic after a hatchet accident. 

I got to spend some time with friends as well, which I loved. 
Teresa hosted us for a most delicious lunch today before Sue and Stephen head south. 

It has been a long, much needed break. I've done little but feed people, read and sleep. 

I've enjoyed an Advent reading each evening, always wanting to spend sometime with the Reason for the Season. 

Happy New Year everyone. 

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