Monday, October 21, 2019

I Was Thinking

I was thinking things were going along awfully smoothly.  As in, gee, how long has it been since I've been in emergency room. Yeah, well.  So I lost my instructional assistant and I got a text during conferences this evening that Handy Man was in ER.
His blood pressure was high at rehab, so they sent him over to the cardiologist who was gone for the day, so they sent him up to Immediate Care, who sent him back down the hill to ER.  By this time his blood pressure was really high- no kidding. The cardiologist wouldn't have minded him staying overnight, but when all other vitals were good and his kidney function was the best it's been and bp was coming down, albeit slowly, he came home.  We will have  to watch a bit more vigilantly.
We weren't quite sure what to do next, exercise wise,  as his insurance paid rehab was up today.  We decided to go ahead and pay to use their equipment there, like a gym. While they will no longer monitor his heart, they do check his bp twice while he is there, so that makes me feel better.
Bless his heart. It is so frustrating to do every last thing they want you to do and still there are just things you can't control.  I am hoping this is just a blip and we'll move on to continued better health.


  1. Well dang it. I take lisinopril & metropolol. Will they change his medication or up the dose? God bless him & you too of course.

    1. They upped one and added another, which seemed like a lot to me, but what do I know.
