Monday, October 24, 2011

Little Boy Blue

A full fall break was capped off with the dedication service of our youngest grandboy Gideon, all decked out in his miracle suit.

Gardner E. bought Gideon an adorable woodland crib set and someone bought the matching stuffed owl. Rae-rae has taken his picture with it every month since birth. I believe his name is GlenFeather, but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, when I found this wee outfit with owls smocked on the front, I knew that was the one for baby Gideon. So I promptly ordered it from Zulilly over four weeks ago, and it not so promptly failed to arrive.
I was very upset. Finally, on Wednesday I received a notice of shipment and a tracking number. Each day I kept looking, hoping and praying, but there was no information on Thursday, or Friday. Finally, Saturday morning it said it had arrived in Ohio, UPS on Friday, and delivery was scheduled for the today, October 24. I know it's a dumb thing and just an outfit, but I was ticked. Anyway, I went to six different stores trying to find something equally as adorable and came home empty handed Saturday afternoon to the find the package on the table, delivered by the US mail. I don't know how it happened, only that it was my little miracle and I said, "Thank you Lord!" I must say, Gideon looked like a little doll baby.


  1. I love the outfit! Owls have a special place in my family's hearts, because my dad grew up near a place called Owl Creek and wrote so eloquently about it. Too bad that I don't have a baby grandson, or I would try to find this outfit for him.

  2. That outfit really is perfect! Glad that it made it in time. Such cute photos!!

  3. Thanks guys. It was perfect, and he handled it all quite well.

  4. What precious pictures! The outfit was perfect and the cookies looked pretty good, too.
