Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

The hand that rocks this cradle will be be my daughter. A lot of love and hard work by the Handy Man goes into each cradle he makes and he has made quite a few. Since this is our last child to gift a cradle to, he's thinking of hanging up his cradle making hat. So it might be the last cradle and it was the last of the cherry from the tree that fell near here. What a beauty for our little Gideon and his siblings. I can hardly wait for him to get here. Turn Around Gideon, turn around- please.
Great Aunt Lois continued her tradition as well, though she's nearly blind. Raechel was thrilled with her beautiful blanket for the boy. She was equally thrilled by all the love and gifts she was blessed with on Saturday. A special thanks to Ol' Mother Hubbard, Ceece, Auntie SuZq and Aunt Tish, for pulling together, or cleaning up a special afternoon brunch. It was delightful.

Speaking of Aunt Lois, I've been there twice this week and am waiting for the call that Uncle Berry has left this life for another. He's been in a coma since Wednesday morning. He has suffered several ailments, including Alzheimers of late. Thankfully, due to the great help of his son and other family and friends, he's been able to remain at home with Aunt Lois and is there now in their tender loving care. We continue to pray for all them at this sad and difficult time.


  1. Beautiful cradle. Am joining in your chorus of "Turn around, Gideon!"
