Sunday, September 6, 2009

Harvest Time

In the spring, Uncle Jimi provided Bugg and Bean with some indian corn seed. Bugg enjoyed planting slowly and meticulously, all of her seed in one spot.

Bean however, chose to plant his all in a row.

Interestingly, the yield was about the same.

It has been fun to watch as the corn has developed darker and darker colors as the it has dried. This week when they visit, we'll put a fall bow on a cluster for them to take to school for a decoration.

It was also time to discover what was in the big buckets we planted with wee pieces of potato and continued to fill with dirt as the green tops grew.

Bean dubbed these teeny ones as "Lil Bugg" potaoes and wanted three sacks for their haul. One for Bugg size, one for medium and one for big potatoes. They proceeded to dig and sort accordingly.
This one goes in the big sack.

The beautiful cool weather and an overnighter, called for an impromptu bonfire. Bugg enjoyed her s'more.

My beautiful blue-eyed Bean, picked some lovely wildflowers for me at our bonfire.
Mom came home Friday and is slowly improving. Kaye came home yesterday. It takes forever to get someone dismissed. The doctor changes the medication, then leaves, without leaving prescriptions or explanations. I got there at 9 and we were not home until 4.
It was deja vu when the doc said, "You need to stay on this IV antibiotic for 30 days." It was September 5. That's exactly what another doc said when he dismissed her on August 5 for the exact same thing, different antibiotic.
The bottom line isn't one favorable for Kaye. Very few brain waves are normal and it is unlikely they can eradicate this infection.
She is weak and getting her in her wheelchair and then the car, then back etc. is no small ordeal. It reminds me of when I try to move the soft blow-up kiddie pool full of water. I pray her strength returns soon, as I simply do not know how Pete can physically hold out moving her around all day and back and forth for dialysis.
It's amazing though how the brain works. When we brought her in and got her in bed, she had no idea where she was. I was very disheartened. By and by, David got up and went in to see her and then let the dogs in and by the time I left, just a few hours later, she was talking more and clearer and was more awake than I've seen her the past 12 days.
Pete and Tiff met with a Hosparus representative while we were still in the hospital on Saturday.
This doesn't really mean anything except exploring best options for Kaye.
Again, it was a sad time, but I'm always happy for her when she's home, worried for Pete, and always wishing him the comfort of knowing what is best.

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