Sunday, November 10, 2019

Playdating All Around

We've been having our regular Playdates, but I haven't taken many pictures.
Last Saturday I had an early date for coffee with my principal, just sharing my take on my second grade experience.  It really has been an experience.  I went in it to with the desire to know how kids work and how learning works at the second grade level.  Today's kiddos have a lot going on. It is no small task to engage them in way that gives a good result. I found a new read- Train the Brain to Hear with some interesting ideas. It is hard to believe how much I still learn about teaching after so very many books and so very many hours in the classroom 
In a highly unusual turn of events, Ol' Mother Hubbard and I were both able to get out and about together after my meeting. 

 Good thing since a couple of new stores opened locally.  I really enjoyed having some time with her as well.  At most family affairs, we barely have time to nod at one another.
 The Captain is learning some new tunes he brought to share last Sunday.
 It was the first time this year we had a fire.  Just too hot and dry and crazy this summer.

 Still we often return inside at some point to see what interesting things we can drag out of the playroom.
 The playroom, oh my.  Once again I've set out to give it a complete cleaning.  With our youngest headed toward five, it was past time.  As I've shared many times, this is a chore I generally fail at.  Every little thing I pick up has some big memory written all over it.  It is a very emotional ordeal to part with their toys.
We've had dog visitors this week that did in our Speckled Sussex hen and was after the bunny when Pap arrived to save her.  My big dog failed in his security duty.

Today was just beautiful. Tomorrow sounds dreadful- quite cold and wet, so I couldn't say no to the creek.

 This big mulberry got me thinking. Thinking about all my littles who sit in her shade and feast on her purple berries and make creek paint to adorn all their exposed parts. About the laughter and the joy. Now she looks bare and stripped to nothing. Kind of the way this November has me feeling. I needed to remember that all of her life is still there, just under the surface. She's just resting, letting go. That perhaps I won't always feel this melancholy and tired.

 I love the sun on my face.  I love to watch the boys turn rocks and sticks into fun.

 While Pap and I were doing errands yesterday, he ran into another bit of boy fun- slingshots.  Oh my, they were thrilled!

So, a busy weekend not quite done. Headed to school to make casseroles and cinnamon rolls for tomorrow's Veteran's Day Program. While my move to 2nd removed me from the serving part, I'm still the cook.  Better get 'er done!

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