Thursday, March 29, 2018

A Little Sassy Pants Leaves a Big Empty

Playdate was switched this week so Pap and I would have an opportunity to spend a  last afternoon with our little wayside Sassy Pants.  I've talked a great deal about foster care between my daughter and a co-worker friend who also fosters.  I know all about how it works.  I sometimes just can't wrap my head around how it just doesn't always work in the best interest of the child.  Still, we knew what we were signing on for.  My aim was to be as Gramerly to her as I was to the rest.  I still think that was the right thing to do.  That comes at a cost.  When it is time for them to go, a piece of you goes along.
Me aside, my child's home is missing a piece that had long since settled in. For their family and for Sassy Pants, I grieve more than for myself.  I doubt Mr. Smiley has any memories of life before a sister.

We've had five little ones to love temporarily and I pray for each of them, as well as the two my friend has loved.  You hold to hope that the stability they've known might be something they seek and hopefully find in their wee tumble bumble life.  Prayers appreciated.  

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