Sunday, February 21, 2010

Buttercup and Tumbledown Elves

On Saturday, Buttercup came to visit for a few hours.

Before Bean and Bugg left on Wednesday, one of the tumbling elves was dry enough to try and both the kids, along with Handy Man, 1st Lt. and I got a big kick out of watching it turn head over heals down an incline. I had them all finished by Saturday and was anxious to see what Missy Buttercup thought.Rae-rae had stopped by to pick up some eggs, so Michael, Rae-rae, Buttercup and I raced our men down the couch cushion. Good activity for lots of laughs. After several races, Buttercup decided she would try sliding down the cushion. Then she found a bucket and it was time to play peek-a-boo.

Are you ready?

I'm about to disappear under this bucket.

She is such a dolly and quite talkative for 17 months old. She's come to expect scrambled eggs when she visits. Already having had mango and graham crackers, I only fixed her one egg. She ate it while I was fixing some for her Daddy. When I turned around from the stove she was holding her plate up to me, saying, "Please, please." So I fixed her two more and she ate most of them. The words I remember her saying are please, help, up, pizza, Addie, doggie, mommy, daddy, thank you, what's that, bubble, bottle, ball, and book.

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