Friday, July 10, 2020

Life in the Time of Corona

Remembering and reflecting on this day and this week.
Listening to my favorite remembering song where David is concerned.
(see what you lost when you left this world).
Struggling with all that is happening in my world, our world.  Wondering, now that the virus is again on the rise if we'll be returning to school on schedule.  Wondering how you know what is the right thing.  I know how I feel, being separated from so many things that anchored me on one hand and gave me a lot of joy on the other.  I'm planner and not much planning to do.  The plans I did have, having lots of outside dining hasn't really worked out in this oppressive, non-ending 90 degree weather.
Praying for discernment.
The little ones go on with their joy in life and when I can, I just try and follow that joy.

It was Science Playdate and we sweated and experimented.  I keep trying each new kind of Gak and into this we put tiny styrofoam balls. Rae and I both have a fondness for this stuff, so you can see her making hers behind Buttercup.
 Hmmm, not sure what he thinks about this.

 Next was lava lamps, so cool when the color from the bottom comes bubbling up.   The first time it happened in Mr. Smiley's bottle he squealed and then his laughter seemed to bubble up and down with the colored water.  Those reactions are the reason I do this.

During the winter, my kiddos and their kiddos like a fried turkey now and again, but what to do with all that oil?  This was a great use for it.


I hadn't done this experiment before, putting drops of paint into a plate of glue to make a suncatcher.  This was supposed to be an example of slow diffusion, as opposed to the fast diffusion that happens in water.  It did diffuse more as it has dried, but is sure taking its sweet time in this humidity. 

 Oh, the love of something that explodes.  Baking soda bombs.

I had sort of hoped that I might have experienced all the painful, crazy summers, you know like that had been checked off of some list somewhere.  
The summer of losing Glenda and the clearing out of Mom's house.
The summer of losing David.
The summer of not knowing if Handy Man's surgery would be a success, the surgery, still coming home on a life vest.
But I guess not. This summer will join ranks with those.  People you love and people you don't doing strange, unexpected things. All the anger, all the unknowing, all the sorrow, all the fear.
Lord help and thank you for each joy!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Lord, thank you for each and every joy. How we need it in these to you, my dear friend. Play date looks like a great time was had by all! Hope to get to see you someday soon...not sure what to expect with this crazy virus on the rise!
