Part of it, owing to Corona, might be that I just had zero expectations.
So, I will lay it down here, in all its simple glory to come back, look and see and smile.
After the frost of Friday night, Handy Man and I headed to school to unwrap the garden. It was sunny and beautiful blue skies, and silly though it may be, delightful to see healthy plants and tiny seedlings survived.
Our school had a plant sale and pick-up was Friday. Aunt Suzie asked me to buy her Mother's Day gifts to help the school- nice. I was included in the gift of a basket of flowers. I left them in my room, less to cover. We gathered those as well and headed back home to do the same in our tent city yard.
One plant was for Alex's mom, so he came and got it and brought his girl friend that I hadn't yet got to meet, so we social distanced in the yard and I was just so very glad to see them
Aunt Tish gifted me with shrimp for supper, but I needed to fix it, because she's allergic. My little Giddy-up loves shrimp and was still reeling from the loss of his bunny girls, so I asked Rae if a change of scenery would help, since it was warming up enough to be outside.
Before they got here, Jakester came and brought me a beautiful rhododendron that Jimi wanted me to have for Mother's Day. That was a big, unexpected, sweet surprise.
He was able to stay for supper to, so we had a delicious supper outside. Giddy-Up wanted to hatchet a log in two and Mr. Smiley took to sawing, so Rae and I visited while I planted some flowers in Mom's garden and walked around checking out things that were peeping out.
In the evening, I got a call from Drummer Boy saying he and the Captain planned to install a third garden bed. Hurrah!
Then Sunday morning I had a little breakfast treat from Handy Man and a homemade card.
I watched some friends church services. Bean and Bugg were remote scripture readers for their church's service, so I loved seeing them and hearing them read.
The guys came and started the bed. I've hardly laid eyes on them this spring since the Captain started a new business that hasn't been hampered by the virus.
I, likely through tears, spoke here of beginning to haul out the baby stuff, since our baby turned five. The crib is no longer considered safe, so no passing it along. We took it apart and concreted in the beds to use as trellises.
In true Mama fashion, not much makes me happier than a yard full of my people. For just awhile we were all working out there together.
Gwen brought another lovely plant and her crew made me cards.
Ceece brought me the most delightful little treat- a personal charcuterie tray. What? So adorable and it was delicious.

In addition, a sweet little Mother's Day tribute on FaceBook which I shamelessly relished. Can't help it, I'm a word person and I live amongst folks of very few words.
They barely finished the new raised bed before a brief cloud burst, so I fed those who remained.
I had a last delivery to make, so we headed out to Ol' Mother Hubbard's and the rain was gone so I was able to walk around and see where they planted all the things I shared earlier. I got a new LOTR card game.
Lastly, I came home to finish up dinner for Leesh. I had been wanting to do something for our devoted ICU nurse who makes things happen. I figured a good meal at the end of long Mother's Day shift might be the best course.
There were other cards and messages. It was a full, bright, busy day.
I wondered why this day felt so different. For once, I really wasn't grieving my Mom and sisters. Whoa, that is sure enough out of character for me. Why, because, for the span of this virus and all its implications, I am glad they are not here. Neither Mom or Kaye ever wanted to be by themselves, but most especially in the event of a hospital stay, which happened all the time. I find myself grateful that they did not have to see such days and that we didn't have to be wringing our hands over their distress. Now we're on day seven of Jimi's stay and he is someone who is quite reclusive and he's about to pull his hair out.
So, thankful for all the delights. As this school year and my challenge of e-learning is drawing to a close, I'm so thankful I will have plants galore to keep me entertained. Warm, summerish weather is headed our way the end of this week, so hopefully there will entertaining in the yard while we ride out this new way of living.
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