Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Memorial Day

So, I got an e-mail about one last school picture needed of me to submit for yet another video.  This made me really cranky.  I had planned to clean house all day and wasn't feeling the love for putting on make-up, blah, blah, blah.   Especially since I submitted one picture already, that  I actually liked, that somehow was forgotten in the "Play" video, and a good-bye video I was asked to make for our 8th grade graduates, that somehow didn't work for the big video.  Oh, and let's not forget the enrichment video I was asked to do, did and submitted and then was asked could I just do it again on my phone.  I'm not bitter.

Yeah, I don't like pictures of myself, don't do selfies and certainly would only do a video under duress. So, make-up, and yeah, it is 88 degrees and as humid as all get out, so fixing this hair  was pointless.
People always say that curly haired people want straight hair and straight want curly.  Actually I don't mind my curly hair, it is just that my head is already soooo big and then you add those wild curls, I mean look at how big that makes my whole head/hair.  Big.  
I told the person requesting the picture that any kid I ever had would get this picture.  I either had glasses in my shirt, on my head and on my face, or I couldn't find a pair anywhere, sending second graders, scurrying like mice to try to find where I left them .Then all those devices, ugh. 
 So done and done. Do not be asking me for anything else that requires a device or a picture of me!
  Handy Man and I have worked really hard the last week to get a couple of outside areas set up so we could have company.  Tomorrow is his birthday, so invited a few folks out today.  We had hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes and lots of space. We invited folks to move tables to wherever they were comfortable.
My peonies and viburnum are in full bloom.

It was so lovely to feel somewhat normal.

Jimi is supposed to come home today, but they sure were taking their time. I surely hope he gets a break from the hospital for a while.  Thank you for your prayers.

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