Yesterday morning I was up with the dawn giving that stove one last run as I prepared food for the day.
I literally pulled a pan of bacon out of the oven and away the stove went. I couldn't let this counter go until I took a picture of this little burn spot. Mom sat a hot pot on the counter within days of the kitchen installation and was devastated. I remember it making me wonder if we'd really gone too cheap on those counters, but really, they held up wonderfully and that burn mark made us smile to day, remembering.
In addition to water, there is termite damage.
No saving anything.
Roof in fairly terrible shape as well. I've spent the morning burning up the last of the kitchen debris and praying for my people on that scary roof.
They built a whole new roof over an old one, without venting, so it was all soaking wet.
There really aren't any words for my gratitude to my sons, brother and grandsons for taking on this demolition. I don't really have words for how bad it makes me feel that they need to. It is such a beautiful spring day and I would wish for them to be somewhere more fun and more safe. At the same time, since they are faced with this wrack and ruin (Utter destruction or ruination; severe or total decay or degradation, as from disuse or lack of upkeep-yep, pretty well describes it), thank the Lord for the sunshine and safety.
Oh wow!!! That’s quite a renovation! Looks like I need to come take you to dinner one evening!!! It will really be something when it’s all done.