Friday, November 27, 2020

Tipping Point

 I have one. Some folks who spend a lot of time here might be surprised to know that.  So my Black Friday is indeed kind of dark, because I have such a great distaste for sorting and deciding what to part with. No way could I put a Christmas thing up in this mess.  First, was to get all the Advent boxes and decorations filled and ready to ship out.  That takes up half the living room.  Next, I parted with all baby and toddler food/drink paraphernalia,  whaaaaaaaaaaa!  Another box of stuff for the thrift store,  and moving and wiping and swiping this morning away.  Handy Man fixed an old battleship game Giddy-up found and sorted through the binder of appliance booklets.  

But, yesterday, in light of our current pandemic, was lovely.

Rae had everything decorated up for an outside affair,  and though our group was small by comparison to previous years, it was perfect- a little chilly, but bearable. 

I always have Rae's guys out the night before Thanksgiving to give her a calm before the storm and to make treats with the most holiday loving boy in the world. 
This little mister wandered into Rae's yard and decided to stay.
A special visit from ObiWan.

Ceece has sure had a rough month. Glad she was able to smile a while. 

Thankful for my little family, but I am always a bit melancholy, missing siblings, and in every corner I've turned over today, I've found my Mom and Kaye and Glenda.  Think I'll try my hand at Mom's pound cake this Christmas.  
Jimi sadly had a another bad spell with high ammonia levels on Wednesday. He couldn't be admitted to his usual hospital due to a water main break.  He had to be treated in the next county with no one who knows him or his records.  No visitors till his Covid test comes back.  Poor guy.  Hopefully, they'll get that ammonia out and move him to a different floor and I can take him some Thanksgiving goodies. 

Well, suppose I better get back to pitching while I have an ounce of energy left. 

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