Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Illusive

Today, my hunt at GFS, Kroger and Target yielded these finds.

I must be out of the loop because why would you only package and sell one roll of toilet paper?  I never thought about it because I've never considered buying just one roll of toilet paper.  And look at that dainty little package of tiny toilet paper rolls. Who knew? I picture little sweet old ladies buying little sweet packs of toilet paper. 
As seems to be my wont, this led me down a thoughtful trail of my childhood.  I don't ever remember my Mom buying a ton of toilet paper, ever.  There were nine people in my family.  Perhaps the fact that there was only one bathroom somewhat limited occupying that space frequently, but why would we have needed less than we seem to need now?
I tried to consider what might be different.  For one, kids would leave in the morning and not come home till  lunch, then back out till supper, then back out till evening. Who knows where restrooming was  taking place.
For two, people did not drink like they do now.  I can't even recall when there was such a thing as water bottles.  When we went to Corbin, my mom cleaned out bleach bottles to carry our drinking water in. Which garnered a few looks, let me tell you  In school, you got a drink at the water fountain after recess. 
Lastly, I think in softening the feel on our tushies  they sort of blew up toilet paper to take up a lot more room, so we don't get near as much.
Until I graduated, one of my best friends still used an outhouse.  They had indoor plumbing, but when we were outside, we used the privy.  My grandpa also had an outhouse we used while we were playing outside, which we did a lot of, as my granny wasn't the sort you cared to be cooped up with.  In said outhouse there was in fact a Sears and Roebuck catalog and we used it.
Any other thoughts as to the why of things?
Pile on the smiles-

Then there is Auntie G-Lou.

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