Speaking of odd, like a warm blanket, when I'm troubled I read Lord of the Rings. I don't know why. Well, I like the idea of people who love dirt and trees as much as I do, of the Right winning the fight, of all those curly haired Hobbits, and plain folk who rise to the occasion. I don't know, but I surely can escape there for time.
As I said before, I am not a good solitary person. Nothing is as engaging to me as a good conversation.
So, I get out and walk about and am ever finding interesting things. I was strolling and singing a song to Jesus about Him and my heart and hearts started popping out everywhere.
Ah, trees. If you don't know me well, don't be alarmed by my ramblings. This strangeness isn't brought on by this vile germ, but is just me through and through. Though I usually try to hide my crazy, I'm not currently in the mood to do so.
This tree and her faces was of particular interest to me this gloomy Sunday.
I see you there, bent and worn,
What came that so pressed into you,
To change your shape and make you bow?
Still I see, you pressed on,
Moving to the light- changed,
strong, sturdy, able to reach high and
I love your writing whether it be about good, bad sad. I love your writing & I love you my friend.