Monday, March 9, 2020

Moving On

Handy Man headed off to his new job today, both of us feeling a little nervous.  So, what do I do when nervous, cook.  I didn't think it would hurt to arrive bearing gifts, so I sent  him off with cinnamon rolls and a prayer.

I had been in contact with the secretary via e-mail for things I needed to scan and send  and was surprised to get a note from her this morning, thanking me for the rolls- sweet.
He said he fit right in and didn't appear to be in any way traumatized.  He said, "A mold is a mold."  So, while the money is less and he's back to newbie vacations, it seems like it will be a nice place to work.  I really don't know how it will feel to him to not be cussed at on a regular basis, but I'm guessing he won't mind much.

We are starting week six with Uncle Jimi.  Aunt SuZQ and Aunt Tish rode in like the calvary last week, praise the Lord.  I've been able to mostly just go first thing in the morning to take coffee and first breakfast.  
His birthday is Thursday.  He is 63, same age as Kaye and Glenda when they left here. Needless to say, we're looking forward to this birthday. It is next to impossible to make plans because I don't have clue one what criteria they are looking for to boot him out of rehab. At this point, he is still having transfusions.  But if he is there till Thursday, we'll have cake and ice cream and whatever else we can pull together last minute between 5 and 6:30 at Southern Indiana Rehab.  Come and see us if you'd like too. 
We will all be so glad for him to be home, but his health will now be his full time job.
I try to do Sunday dinner, no matter.  We've enjoyed having the fire pit moved closer to the house. Without fail, if the coats can go, then a trip to the creek is in order. Rock skipping was the order of the day.   Mr. Smiley said, "Look Gramerly, an arrow head."  I thought he found a triangular rock. Yeah, he did.  This is four inches long and very obviously hand knapped.  So. Fun. He was so excited and like the gold rush, his brother started looking, right? Giddy-Up made some comment and Mr. Smiley said matter of factly, "I believe you're jealous."  His brother replied, "I am, but not so much that I'll complain."  Wow, I love that kind of honest communication. Way to use your words boys.

I was able to get  my students in the creek today too, which makes for all told, happy gramerlings and happy students!  Thank the Lord for some spring!

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