Fear is such a huge factor. I do not enjoy being fearful. I don't know how to not be fearful.
For me, cutting me off from my classroom and my people is just painful. I know people who love their own company and aren't in the least bothered by such things. I was only in that crowd once, when I had that revolting food poisoning issue. Then, there was not a single thing that interested me. I did not cook, text, talk on the phone, or even read, if you can believe that. So. Weird.
I haven't read much about what you can do besides distancing, but no matter, I will only be able to distance so far when my brother needs to be toted here and there and we have to have medicine and after switching Handy Man to my insurance I must go to negotiate with various sources about what to do about this $1400 med my insurance doesn't cover. Then there are medical people dear to me who need childcare. My brain is a whirring dervish.
So, believing in being proactive, I looked around. I know there are science people who don't believe in natural paths. I know I teach in a small room with a bazillion germs floating about. When I started using X-Clear spray and taking elderberry at a flu symptom and Pine extract, zinc and extra C at a cold symptom, my number of illnesses was greatly relieved.
So I poked around to see if somewhere there were things to do in addition to distancing and handwashing and found this site.
All of us have to pray, and be as wise as we can. When I try something new, I do it one thing at a time in case I do have some sort of weird reaction. I also look at different places to see what reactions have been reported. My theory is, if it doesn't hurt and it might help my immune system, I am taking it.
Even in my prayers I question why I should get a break someone else is not getting. Then I go back to Word, "You have not because you ask not." So I'm going ask, for myself, for my people, for your people and for the world.
And because no one can be uncheered by a baby goat, who am I kidding, a baby anything, here ya go.
And may God bless us every one!
Then a little painting.
awww sweet. Didn't Pooh say you can't be uncheered by a balloon?