Between walks and restroom, Handy Man got up from the chair without an assist and followed the plan five times.
He ate the most he's eaten so far. Grant it, about a tenth of what he usually eats, but some good protein today.
I washed his hair and scrubbed him up which made him feel better.
All his visitors were thrilled with how great he looked.
All the docs on board, surgeon, pulmonologist, cardiologist, nephrologist, seem tickled pink. They want to take a few more pulmonary measurements before he can get unhooked of everything. The surgeon said that it will take his smaller heart a while to regulate the water in his system and he needs to find out how to help it out. In the meanwhile, walk, inhale in the huffalump and walk a little more.
So, today his brother and sister-in-law stopped by and asked me to go to dinner with them. I do think that is so kind, but my first response was, "No, I better not." I don't know exactly what I think might happen if I'm not there, but the idea that something might is very anxiety producing for me. They were insistent and then Handy Man got on the bandwagon. They said we wouldn't go far or for long.
We've reached the place in this recovery that is very, very hard for me. I know to gain strength and energy, he has to do hard things. Also that he doesn't want to eat much. So I'm the one who gets the job of gently
So, I stepped out of my comfort zone, and went. It was fun and very tasty. Even though I must admit my mind would stray back to our temporary nest, it was a good little break and like so many wonderful kindnesses, I surely appreciate it.
And believe it or not, he was just fine.
I think each time he walks, he's surprised by how hard it is and how far he has to go. I wish for him to know how completely normal it is to have no energy after such a surgery and to be able to look to better days. Oh, as of now, 34 hours with no pain meds. Thank the Lord.
I'm so glad for all the sweet faces who show up and love on us. Sure makes the days go quicker.
If tomorrow is as good, I'll sneak over to the waiting room to sit a bit with Ceece's family, as her Mama needs a little surgery tomorrow. Prayers for success.
God bless.