I can't say learning to give shots was ever on my bucket list.
Handy Man's sister nurse graciously came over this morning to show us how it is done. Behind the meds you'll see a box containing bread for her to bake. We try to show our gratefulness for such kindness.
These syringes are already filled, so thankfully I didn't have to worry about that. Then they come with an air bubble, which I always thought was a no-no. His sister explained that it was fine and supposed to be there. Then it is made so when your done, this little spring comes out and covers the needle, so no one can get poked again. Very clever. When she was showing me how that worked it shot a last tiny bit straight across the room, in my face actually. It was so funny and kind of took the edge off. I know giving shots is no big deal for some people, but it is a big ordeal for me. So I was glad for comic interlude. Auntie G-Lou took care of all those things for me in the past. Yep, nursing is not my calling.
So tonight was my turn and I did it and didn't grow faint or anything and Handy Man said it didn't hurt at all. I hope that was true.
I was happy to have some time with Bean and Bugg today. They are growing up and very busy, so I don't see them so much these days.
We ladies worked in the kitchen. Bugg gets a cooking kit with most everything to create something fun. I love that there is nothing artificial in the ingredients. This time it was creating wee donuts to make a beach scene.
While we slaved over a hot stove, we sent the men to the north forty to fell trees. Now mind you, the trees they were felling would be used more for Lincoln Logs than anything else. The trees were in the wrong place and I was happy to get them out of some of my plants and bushes.
Then we headed to the backwoods to Ol' Mother Hubbard's, where something I needed from Amazon went to the wrong place.
I made a new dish for supper that was enjoyed by Rae and her crew. While we were at the creek, first guys from work and then a neighbor stopped in to check on Handy Man and visit a while. He always enjoys getting caught up on work and neighborhood news.
So, another day has passed easily with family and friends.
We are going to see Noella tomorrow. I know she feels completely forgotten. I hate that.
Thank you for continued prayers. I'm just praying for every person involved, for whoever cleans the room, the equipment, on and on. Praying, praying, praying. Thank you for praying too!
Not much longer on the countdown until the 12th. God bless.