Monday, June 24, 2019

Getting the Job Done

The job of walking, resting, sleeping, reading, recovering.

We had begun to doubt that the sun would make an appearance, but finally it did and he enjoyed it a good bit after a trip to the mailbox, which he found much easier today.

I knew we would not be the best at all this sitting.  It wasn't great pre-surgery, but he wasn't so limited and of course we were in the car and gone somewhere as soon as I got off of work.  We had a lot of company Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Today was our first day just doing what we call sitting and looking stupid.  It was kind of lonely after all the people interaction I've had the last two weeks.
So, I spent the morning calling first one and then another about all kinds of business. 
We certainly got caught in quite an unbelievable mess everywhere we've turned.  The surgery saddled the huge computer system changeover at the hospital which also affected most of his docs.
Then his work is undergoing a change of ownership and everything is up in arms.
A call to our financial guy revealed still another big switch. Who named the last half of June as the month to upend every other thing in our life. 
I'd be curious to know how many times some one has told me sorry, but they are in the middle of a mess. 
 I hear ya.
At 9:08 I called the Crown Prince Kidney Doctor's office and related the weight gain.  About 9:20 the Crown Prince himself called. What?  What kind of efficient medical service is this?  Who even knew it could be done?  Asked me to share again then changed up a med and in ten minutes done and done.  
So, when I'm home I cook ridiculous amounts of food. Instead of meal train coming here, I'll be sending a meal train somewhere else. 
First on my list is that wonderful neighbor of ours who noticed the flood, called his friends at the fire house and saved the bunny and the garage.  Believe it or not the other bunny was found living under another neighbor's big tree that fell.
When it rains it pours has been both a literal and figurative picture of us.  
So the small pan of cinnamon rolls is for the neighbor and the big pan for the firefighters.
The neighborhood hero picked them up this evening. 

 There is bread under the tea towel, ready for my kiddos tomorrow.

Speaking of firemen, one of them is going to yet save me again.  I missed my CPR training when we had that unfortunate appointment with the surgeon who told us nothing.  A sweet friend found out the local fire station Captain could help.  I took the online training today and will meet with him later in the week to finish. Thank you Lord for so many kindnesses.
Aunt Tish brought a pile of cucumbers, so we enjoyed cucumber salad this evening. 
Friends of a friend sent the sweetest card today.  Just like talking, I love me some handwritten sunshine, and from someone who doesn't even know us, but have loved us through prayer in this hard season.  What a blessing. 
I just heard a song by Selah that I don't recall hearing- You Deliver Me.  Of course, different circumstances give songs different power I think.  Thankful He delivers us.
I've been enjoying catching up on life via e-mail with an old friend.  I am just a communicator.  No matter how I'm communicating beats not communicating. 
Tomorrow is Playdate as best as I can do under the circumstances.  While it won't be Gramerly's usual, if will be a little bit of normal I'm looking very forward to. 

1 comment:

  1. I always look forward to reading your writing. You shore is a good righter.
