Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Kitchen Chronicles, Coming Around the Bend

 Sunday I went to see my oldest gramerling graduate. Wow. I didn't get a picture, so will have to see if I can get one to put here. Hard to believe.  I bought him a very interesting fly fishing pole, created to be very light and easy to pack in out when he takes his big trip out west. 

Ah ha, thanks Ceece. 

So today is the big day when the cabinets arrive. A bit nerve wracking to me as I do not like picking out things from samples. So, I feel a bit unnerved. 

I actually felt a bit emotional when this truck pulled in with the cabinets. 
In an interesting turn of events, Mama Wren decided today was the day to boot these babes out of the nest. 

I had to interrupt cabinet installation, because one got caught between the windows and Adam had to come save her  
I've never seen a bunch of grown men so interested in tiny birds. Apparently the guy who has been here the most says the birdies have a following on social media. 

So for the rest of the day I will watch progress and continue my search for the Holy Grail- a white refrigerator.  

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