It has been a way long time since we've had so much winter weather. I'd forgotten how much I dislike "Snow Days." Well they're not even that this week, they are e-learning days for some of my students and no-learning days for others.
I've always known I am not good for long by myself. I ponder this a lot more as I age, because it is likely one of us we'll someday end up on our own. Thankfully, I am able bodied and can do a lot of different things. This morning, after doubling up on clothing, I had to venture down into the bowels of our old farmhouse to try and get past the missing bottom step and to the furnace, which was not working, and bang around and flip switches, and then back up the scary, questionable steps to flip more switches and after multiple tries, finally heard that sweetest of winter sounds, the furnace kicking on.
Next, I undertook to do my own taxes online. You know there are not too many people as plain as the Handy Man and me, though he did have two jobs last year and we did have to change insurances. Don't you love that my income tax is tied to my insurance? So, I actually did manage to get it done, but it took a very long time and my nerves were spent by the time I finished. Interestingly, I find all things bank, tax, etc. unnerving, even if I take it to someone. Numbers are not my strong suit.
I texted my principal to see if she thought we might get to go back to school tomorrow and she said we might. I figured I'd better get my car cleaned off and the side walk scraped, so I did that. Of course, I also check my school e-mail every twenty minutes to be sure I am not needed.
I did a load of laundry, got the tea ready for the morning, cleaned up more Valentine debris from Sunday and what I brought home from the big school party (parents can't come and do parties anymore).
I am about to finish a Bible study on Isaiah that I really enjoyed, so ordered another one by the same author.
I read a magazine.
Yeah, all that and still I am as restless as I can be.
Sunday, we were few in number, but had some Valentine fun.
Last week, I started these two knitting. It certainly is knitting weather.
I rarely can talk Handy Man in to a game, but he did this one.
And he won!
I have had my students two years now. One sweet little guy is ever bringing me a gift. He gave me the fluffiest, snuggliest blanket that has been in constant use this freezing winter. He made me a homemade valentine that included a gift card and a ceramic ladybug with a miniature rose in it. Wow.
Then I get a message Sunday morning that when he went with his dad to get their Valentine donuts, he wanted to bring me yet another treat, which I found outside my door. So sweet!
I surely needed a pick me up. We didn't get any of our choices for Jimi's move to rehab, he had to have a picc line before leaving the hospital Sunday evening. He'll have to be at the new place for at least three weeks. The current infection is still causing him delirium, he can't even feed himself.
Stay warm. Surely we're headed to spring soon.
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