Sunday, May 5, 2019


This morning was a repeat of last Sunday. We went to visit Handy Man's Mom, then to church.  Bless his heart.  This Life Vest is itchy, in trying to relieve that he moved a lead that went off in the middle of church.  Of course, that is the mild gong, notifying us to fix the lead, but still, it clearly makes everyone nervous.  The very last thing Handy Man ever wants to be is the center of attention. 
I did wonder why you can't, like your phone, pick songs for your alarms.
Paul Simon's Slip Sliding Away would work perfectly for a flipped lead.
How about the Bee Gee's  Stayin' Alive instead of that terrifying siren. 
Feel free to contribute other good choices.
Aunt Tish made us some homemade salsa.  We had it for lunch and supper.  Yummo!
Drummer Boy came out to cut the yard, that seemed to grow week's worth with all this rain.  Buttercup helped her Pap and me with cleaning and clearing.
I was trying to save my lilac from the tentacles of a wild grape.  I asked Buttercup if she had ever made a grapevine wreath with her Mom. She hadn't. We paused the action for a moment and turned our  attention to creating a heart shaped wreath.  She was a big help getting some yard work done.  Handy Man was a big help too.  It was good for both us to do some normal work and get some sun.
Deb and Dave stopped in for a visit. Deb, as so of many of the rest of us, is amazed at our climb in the Cumberland Gap, the end of March.  She had that picture of us at the top blown up and framed- so sweet.  Thank you Lord that we got off that mountain.  She made a copy for the kids too, along with one I took of them and Pap in front of the Falls.  I said that could be their prayer reminder cards.
Five days to the Cardiac MRI.  Jesus, hold my hand.


  1. Continued day at a time, sweet Jesus!

  2. Morning, actually there is an app where you can down load all the songs you want for alarms. Praying for YOU and HANDY MAN. Stay strong...
