Clouds of myst'ry pourin' Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Tryin' to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.
All day long I've wondered about who spends all day out in this deluge? Seems quite unsafe for horses and jockeys alike.
We picked up Mr. Smiley this morning and headed out on a "tool seeking" adventure.
I asked how he was doing today and he replied, "Totally Awesome." He is really taken to being five.
Handy Man said he started collecting multiple hammers at the store, but he talked him down to two. Unfortunately, the birthday boy couldn't talk Pap into a "not very sharp" hatchet.
Mr. Smiley had required a breathing treatment before we left. The boy was wired for sound. The treatment worked because he could get out about forty words per breath. Pappy said to tell Rae that the next time he needs recharged, trying using Harbor Freight batteries as opposed to the Energizer Bunny kind. Multiple toys were bypassed and we came home with a rain gauge, red flags, hammers, tie downs and pliers.
Feeling I must be diligent about safety, I reminded him that pliers were not for fingers or toes or any other body part, his, or anyone else's. This was not news to him and he replied, "I can't use pliers on my nose either, or my Mom will bust me." Well then.
Oh, and umm baby chicks.
In my classroom, chicks are a big deal. Over spring break, I put a dozen eggs in the incubator. Nary a one hatched. I really wasn't sure what I was going to do about it. When we went in Rural King to search for more tools, we stopped to admire the chickie babies. I've been torn about what to do. I knew I couldn't easily manage chicks during surgery and recovery time. I also knew the local places wouldn't have chicks much longer. Not wanting to deny my students their chicken experience, I bought six, ran over to sporting goods and grabbed a hand warmer to keep them cozy while we finished our shopping and lunch. I thought I'd surprise Rae, that if surgery time comes, she'll have some new pets.
Yum. Chicken and fries. This boy loves food, especially things like fries and chips. So why, Pap inquired, was he eating that dog biscuit first? I don't know, neither Pap or I got any dog biscuits.
Mr. Smiley found a pair of my sunglasses and took a fancy to them. He shared with me that since they were clearly too small for me, he would wear them and they fit him fine. He added, "I will borrow them, but borrow in my language actually means keep." Good to know.
Uncle Pete and Pam beat us home, and brought a meatloaf.
Strange happenings are so interesting to me. Just this morning, I had Kaye on my mind. Was thinking about what she would've done in this situation we're in. I chuckled, thinking about how she would aggravate Pete to call every day and show up every day or two. Then, here he is.
I was visiting with another friend this week and we got on the subject of indigo. Perhaps due to my students needing to understand the economic products of the early south, I say "indigo" about a hundred times a year. I've often thought I'd like to try dyeing something with it. She leaves, I walk over to the computer and right there on fb Rae has posted about a class given locally about indigo- sign us up.
We had to scoot home to get water and food for the new babies, though our chores weren't finished.
I believed Handy Man earned a few hours of silence, so left him here to rest, whilst I finished up.
He's had a good supper, a good dose of his sweet, after his equally tool loving heart boy, and now enjoying all those guys we love in the movie Stagecoach, laughing at Willie.
Thank the Lord for a dry, warm home!
I have not been able to keep up my usual visits with Noella and Ivonne. I've just learned he is hospitalized with a high fever. Prayers for our little fire plug.
God bless.