Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sick Day

I'm home again today, only this time it is a Sick Day for me.  I could have gone and worked in my classroom, my kids are gone to camp, but I guess all the yard work has not been viewed favorably by my back. My leg finds my activities distressing, and since there were no visitors on the schedule for Handy Man today, I stayed home to visit.
This here has been a very heartwrenching and often confusing path, finding a plan for healing.  It just isn't always easy to feel peace, much less joy.  I'm always reminded of the advice Mr. Roger's Mom gave him whenever there was a catastrophic event, "Look for the helpers." 
For me, learning that Handy Man had a injured heart that might not be fixable was catastrophic.
We've had so many helpers step up. Some I've mentioned already. 
Just this weekend our retired doctor friend, with his sweetie,  went out of their way to help us find our way around  this medical muddle. They came out here to talk to Handy Man personally, to give a results driven medical opinion and then to pray for us. 
My sister thought a visit from our favorite traveling minstrel, with his own heart story, might be just the thing to bring some peace and it was.
There isn't much I enjoy more than sharing stories and songs on my front porch.  I think it so helpful for Handy Man to see people who have faced these same issues, getting along, loving life.
He sang a song I didn't know, and as is my practice, I went straight to You Tube to check out Tom Waits singing Come on up to the House, after he left.  I don't know if you believe in "signs" or maybe God Winks, but sometimes I just take if for what it is.  So I type in the singer and the name of the tune and the first one up I click on and nearly faint. Someone has done a very interesting video and the picture is a  man's chest with his heart drawn where it goes on the outside his chest.   The next surprise is how gravelly that man's voice is. Sure different than my minstrel friend, but fits that song for true.  So I send the link to the video to  my sister and our friend.
 I want to hear it again, but that picture never comes up on top, no matter how times I've clicked on that link.   You have to watch till the middle, to not only see his heart on his chest, but it is strongly beating. I find this particularly interesting since the word  "heart" is never mentioned, though matters of the heart are strongly implied.
Sister SuziQ is here from Florida and she and her hubby came to spend the afternoon with Phil while I had an afterschool function to attend yesterday.  Then we cooked and had dinner together, another favorite activity of mine.
The days are long when you are waiting and waiting, so Handy and I appreciate every phone call, encouraging or helping message, prayer, card and visit.  Drummer Boy has faithfully hacked back the weeds and mowed each week.
 Thank you!
It might happen, as it did with this week's visitors, that you take home eggs, or perhaps homemade bread, or even cinnamon rolls.

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