Friday, October 28, 2011

Bunny Boy Tour Part 2

Next stop on the tour was Bean's 2nd grade room. That picture of Bugg with the golden shoes was the only "at school" picture I got the whole day. I snapped that one and the battery informed me it was finished-arrgghhh, so frustrating. Oh well.
I chose Knuffle Bunny to read to Bean's class as it was mighty cute and fairly short, and a book I felt all the kidlets could connect with. I read that story, then we broke into three groups. One group visited with me and the bunny boys and I used the bunnies to discuss and write similes. I made books for another group. Bean and I had created a box of pom-pom bunnies to inspire their story. Each student chose a bunny and book to create his/her own story. I made a story about Pippin's Big Adventure in Room D22 to give them additional support.
Thankfully, the glue dried clear, so they were quite cute when I packed them up. Missy Bugg's class also got a tiny bunny.
The third group worked with still another book about a responsible bunny who planted carrot seeds and waited patiently for the carrots. I had four copies and marked each with the reading parts along with props to act out the book. The students rotated through the groups every twenty minutes.
Lastly, a treat.
I sent my cookie lady a picture of the boys.

And picked up these cookies, which I left with Bean's class for an afternoon snack. I left them with Bugg's class as well, of course.
On the way out, I stopped to say, "Hello" to a favorite kindergarten teacher and she let her little ones pat the bunnies too.
So before noon, we'd visited about sixty students, with one more group to go.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hopping Down the Bunny Trail Part One

So, back to the Fall Break Bunny Tour. Several weeks ago I realized I did not have any bunny books. Now any normal person would just go and talk about the bunnies and let the kids pet them, but oh no, I have to make it complicated. It is one of best skills.
So, I read 7,000 bunny book reviews and decided on five. They arrive and I read all of them to Miss Bugg and let her pick which one I'll share with the class. She picks the very longest book, The Country Bunny and the Gold Shoes. I believe her choice was due to the gold shoes. That girl likes some bling.
It might surprise you to know that pre-first grade children are not my strong suit. I love those wee folk that belong to me and can, for a sustained amount of time, exercise great patience. However, when they aren't mine, well, different story.
So I wonder, " How I can make this story interesting to a pack of wiggling puppies, uh, I mean children." In the book, the little bunny assigns jobs to all of her twenty-one (have mercy) children. So I brought props so the little pup, er people could act out the parts. Still, never to be one to leave well enough alone, I sprayed some tiniest outgrown shoes with gold paint.
When I arrived at school, with all my loot, Bugg immediately snatched up the gold shoes to oooh and ahhh. She asked if those shoes had been hers. Later, she told the class that those shoes had belonged to her and her brother.
So, we set the wee folk down. I passed out props and they did a fabulous job listening and acting out their parts.
When I got home, I put the props in a basket with the book, so Miss Bugg can't act out the story again and again.
The children enjoyed petting Pippin and Merry and were gentle. Throughout the tour, kiddos were disappointed that they couldn't hold the bunny boys. That led to lesson about how bunnies are prey animals and being picked up is very frightening to them. I shared that I felt a responsibility to treat them kindly. After that, they were satisfied with just petting them. They are so very soft.
Three more classrooms to go.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Little Boy Blue

A full fall break was capped off with the dedication service of our youngest grandboy Gideon, all decked out in his miracle suit.

Gardner E. bought Gideon an adorable woodland crib set and someone bought the matching stuffed owl. Rae-rae has taken his picture with it every month since birth. I believe his name is GlenFeather, but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, when I found this wee outfit with owls smocked on the front, I knew that was the one for baby Gideon. So I promptly ordered it from Zulilly over four weeks ago, and it not so promptly failed to arrive.
I was very upset. Finally, on Wednesday I received a notice of shipment and a tracking number. Each day I kept looking, hoping and praying, but there was no information on Thursday, or Friday. Finally, Saturday morning it said it had arrived in Ohio, UPS on Friday, and delivery was scheduled for the today, October 24. I know it's a dumb thing and just an outfit, but I was ticked. Anyway, I went to six different stores trying to find something equally as adorable and came home empty handed Saturday afternoon to the find the package on the table, delivered by the US mail. I don't know how it happened, only that it was my little miracle and I said, "Thank you Lord!" I must say, Gideon looked like a little doll baby.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Guess I Shouldn't be Surprised

I've had a couple of days off for fall break and, of course, I packed it full. Lots of things I want to share about a fun day sharing the bunny boys with gramerling's classmates, but that sharing will have to wait as my mind is on other things.
I had a house full for Gramerling night on Thursday, so Bean didn't get his swing time until after supper. It was cold and dark by then, but he needed a swing and story. Like I said, I shouldn't be surprised, but he just doesn't fit in that old dolphin swing anymore. Not to be deterred, he sat on the back with his feet in the seat and ordered up a story with two of his friends, Luke Skywalker and a bunny. I was happy to oblige.
This seemed particularly poignant in light of other news received a few hours before. 1st Lt.'s unit received their deployment papers to Afghanistan. It's been eight years since he enlisted and for most of those years I've made it a point to pray everyday for the Good Lord to keep him out of this war. As I've shared before, I've always considered those particularly selfish prayers, as I cannot fathom a mother anywhere who would gladly send off a child to the war.
I made myself feel better by saying it was for a different reason. You see, no one knew Bean was coming when 1st. Lt. enlisted. 1st Lt. was in boot camp when Bean was born. Ceece managed well through the remainder of the pregnancy and labor and delivery without him being here. Then Bean contracted that awful bacterial infection, and well it was a very long three weeks for everybody. 1st Lt. only got bits of information piecemeal. Finally he came home and though he wasn't available for any of the bonding you always read about, that baby boy fell as in love with 1st Lt. as 1st Lt. did with him. Seeing them together is what prompted those prayers. Thinking of Bean growing up not knowing his dad was about more than I could think about and still breathe, so I'd ask, again and again, "Please keep him out of this war." Then came Missy Bugg, with her own bit of trauma, being born early and needing some NICU time on a respirator. This time, he was here and all Daddy Bearcat. I only think I held her once before she came home from the hospital. Ahh, keep praying. Over and over, the powers that be would switch him to a new unit and the one he left behind would be deployed (big sigh). I suppose with talk of bringing our men and women home and less of those leaving for foreign shores, I've become a bit complacent, thinking that soon, there'd be no more troops deployed.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised, because unlike his previous yearly two weeks training, his last training was different and very specific. I was surprised however. I can honestly say the very first thought that floated to the surface was my gratefulness for the gift of his presence to his children during their formative years. Of course my next thoughts were different- edgy, sad, fearful. Though the gratefulness was there, it won't keep me from hoping and praying that a last minute switch of commands will again leave him here with his family when that unit leaves.
Till then I will try to remember who is in control and rest in that. It isn't my strong suit.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Time for a Spot of Tea

Even though I fed Bean and Bugg well after our big trek at the Falls-sausage, eggs, biscuits, gravy and tomatoes, they still felt a tea was in order to finish off the afternoon. So, all accoutrements must be assembled.

There is tea of course. Bean has been drinking this tea since he was wee, which is a blend of de-caf and Constant Comment Green Tea. I add locally harvested honey when it isn't tea time.

Tea time, however calls for sugar cubes.

It is no proper tea in their mind unless it includes triangle cheese.
And with the triangle cheese, Cheez-its! I suppose we should call it a Cheesy Tea.

Aghhhh, all twenty four conferences done and a weekend that appears to be perfect with few social obligations. Off to the fiber fair for me.
Hope your weekend is lovely.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What a Fall!

Wow, finally a full blown fall-fabulous! Last year it was 95 degrees until it was winter, and what a winter. This year we've been blessed with a chilly evening, followed by glorious blue sky and warm sunshine day, over and over again. I am loving it! Thank you Lord for a beautiful autumn.
Last year, about this time, I sprung Bean out of school and took him and Missy Bugg to the Falls of the Ohio. It turned out that we had them for a long period of time on this past Saturday, so we headed back there.
I love that they both remember so much of what we did and talked about that day. It was surprising and somehow comforting that they could recall little places we stopped and discussed from the last trip, like a little fort and a fairy house. Bugg said it would be a beautiful place for a wedding with the yellow leaves all strewn about. We crossed a little dry gully and Pappy warned them that a dragon lived under there. Bean decided to throw a rock in just to be sure and planned to scramble down, when no dragon was forthcoming. Pappy told him it was a smart dragon that knew the difference between a boy and a rock. Neither kiddo decided to risk venturing in. Such times are so sweet to me, because I know they won't carry that vivid imagination much longer.
When we got to fossil beds, Bugg was wishing for a dolly, so we made one.

This is Princess Splendiferous in her lovely seeded ball gown.

Since she had a plaything, Pappy picked up a piece of driftwood and made a little something for Bean.
I think I must name him the Repooperless bird. Bean and I were having a discussion about school and he told me a recent experience was repooperless. I asked him if he meant superfluous. The boy has an extensive vocabulary, but still. "No," said he, "I mean repooperless." "Hmm," says I, "I don't believe I know what that means." "It means stupid." Ahhh, I should've figured that one out based on the discussion we were having. Anyway, repooperless sounds a lot better than stupid.
Lovely weather, fun conversation, precious people and enjoyable exercise- delightful.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wash Those Hands

When I picked Miss Bugg up from daycare on Thursday I told her baby Gideon would be visiting as well. She replied, " I still have chicken pox, but I'm no longer contagious, you think I can touch him." I responded, " Oh, of course you can, but let's wash our hands first." She agreed with this comment, " Yeah, I am still a nose picker." No better entertainment anywhere.
They want so badly to hold him, however he isn't about to be held by any of us. Rae-rae tries really hard to still involve them, so she asked Bugg to help her feed him some yummy avocado (um, after some vigorous hand washing).

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Evening Update

It's after eight. Kaye got out of surgery at 7 pm. The doc said it was obvious there was poor oxygen flow to the toe, however they just took the toe. Pete was sicker than a dog all day and it broke my heart to leave them. I didn't know he was sick. I was just there last night and he didn't mention feeling bad. It's hard to just not show up at school without warning and expect someone to take over without notes or anything, but I would have liked to stay and let him go home. They had put a local in her foot, so I told him as soon as she was settled they both needed to try and get a nap before it wore off.
Of course, it was necessary to do the oxygen monitor dance, like we've done now for two and a half years.
Um, the monitor isn't reading for some reason.
Umm, it never does, she has a disease that doesn't allow for great circulation in her finger, move it.
Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Is it a Scam?

Recently I've been introduced to two miracle cures. It is so interesting to me that I would come across information on both of these products around the same time. One is called ASEA and the other MMS. Both have loyal followers who claim amazing results from the use of these products. Both have detractors that accuse ASEA of being simply salt water and MMS bleach. Hmm.
I know there are greedy folk out there who will do absolutely anything to make a buck, including preying on desperate people. Still, if I were in pain, or given a horrible diagnosis, I'd try it.
It's interesting to me, cause when chemo fails, no one says the treatment was a scam. Same for fertility drugs. Tylenol doesn't usually do much for my headaches so is Tylenol a scam? I use Crest faithfully, in addition to mouthwash, but the cavities keep on coming. Is toothpaste a scam? Another friend completely believes in the benefits of Juice Plus products, while information can be found negating the company's claims.
I read somewhere about the accidental discovery of xylitol, first used for sugarless gum, having other properties and now being used as a wash for the sinuses, as it doesn't let those wee nasty things we breathe in set up camp and colonize. Yee haw. I live in an environment where bigger wee folk are bringing me every manner of germ to inhale on a daily basis. I use that xylitol spray morning and evening, and it has cut my sinus infections, colds, flu, etc by more than half. I think I've only had something like that twice in two years and both cases were mild. I tell people. They don't use it.
I think we are complicated. Clearly, a miracle for one, isn't for another.
Is it possible that these miracle cures do the the trick for some, and not for others? Could it have anything to do with the way it's used, or the consistency of use?
I will say, I don't know. I do know some people I trust say it works, and I believe they are telling me the truth.
What say you?
Speaking of miracles, Kaye heads back to surgery tomorrow and Pete's hoping for just the toe to go, as opposed to a good portion of the foot. She could use a miracle and your prayers are always appreciated.

And the Birthdays Go On and On

Thursday was my baby brother's birthday. Friday was his granddaughter's, Saturday was Mom's and Gardener E's, so back to more celebrating. Woo hoo! Tim sometimes joins us for Thursday Gramerly Day with Sophia. Since this Thursday past was one of those, I told him I would fix a yummy dinner. Miss Sophie had ordered a cake with a purple star. No, a blue star. No, purple. Grandfather brought a cake with a purple and blue star. Of course he did.
He and I were visiting while she was entertaining herself with one of Bugg's Disney dolls, Belle.
Soon I heard the whole song Belle sings on her morning visit to the village, all the words, perfect pitch- so cute, drifting up from underneath the kitchen table where we were visiting and she had chosen to play. Mom and Auntie G-lou were able to join us in celebration.
On Saturday, I fixed dinner for my friend Gardener E. She is a knitter too and I found this yarn bowl at a potter's booth. I loved it and thought she might as well. I always think in blues for her gifts.

With the last bits of summer, I made my favorite salad for both birthday celebrations.
Here, at last, is how it goes. You toss room temperature fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with some sea salt flakes. Add rice vinegar and olive oil. For this amount of vegies I would use about 4 tablespoons of oil and 2 tbsp of vinegar. Then I pick and rinse a handful of basil. I roll it up together, slice it thin and stir it in with lots of fresh ground pepper.

Next I take some chunky bread. I love sour dough or the multigrain french ever available at the Kroger store. I put my homemade garlic spread on it. What is that? Well, whenever I bake something, I throw a head of garlic in the oven and bake until it's soft. Next I peel and squish some of the garlic and mix it with 3 parts butter to one part olive oil in a glass jar. It is in the frig for whatever need I have of garlic butter. Anyway, I toast the bread on 400 degrees until it is brown.

Cut it up in a bowl, pour the vegies on top and eat it while the bread is still warm. Uh, then we eat some more when the bread isn't warm, and typically don't stop until the bread is all gone. Bean and Bugg love this too.
Now it seemed Ms. E liked her yarn bowl, but this, this was her favorite treat of the evening- fried green tomatoes. I don't know why, but fall green tomatoes have more body, or texture, or something than early summer ones. These were green tomato heaven.

We actually had a main dish, though we probably wouldn't have missed it if we hadn't. This is another dish I love- Gorgonzola Crusted Chicken. There were lots of leftovers, so I'm already looking forward to lunch tomorrow.
A very happy birthday to Tim, Sophia, Mom and Gardner E.
I'm ready for a birthday rest.