I thought three weeks ago that we were about a week and a half out of move-in, but that it hasn't turned out that way. Cabinets, trim and crown molding were not easy to install with walls that are not square.
Anyway, Timothy came over to help, with of two his kiddos and brought his new toy, a saw, that he let them help put together. I've mentioned before that while all the time a part of me is sad that this has required so much of my people's time, another part of me is glad for these kind of teaching opportunities.

He returned Saturday with Michael for the cabinet/trim corrections.
Since the big heart event, Handy Man hasn't done a lot of woodworking. He was a bit challenged by these countertops. First of all they are so heavy, and often having only me for help, is like not having any help at all. He really took his time and managed the stove top and sink holes without incident. They look great.
It was pretty comical the walks we took across the kitchen with these boards and sawhorses. Lift, move, lift, move.
He just has one to finish, which needs no holes thankfully.
I bought a pad of post-its and spent some time this morning mentally going through my old cabinets and figuring out where I will put things in the new ones. I'm curious how many things I've forgotten.
Adam and Mindy hosted Father's Day yesterday on June's most perfect weather day. It was lovely.
I finally got see Uncle Tim's new place- fascinating.
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there.
As ever, thankful to my heavenly Father for safety through this very tedious ordeal of saws and nails and twisted metal and on and on.