Monday, June 27, 2022

The Kitchen Chronicles That Never End

 So, I got nothing. I had to empty out the pod without the kitchen being done.  Don't know where I thought I'd put this stuff since the old microwave stand, desk and entertainment center are gone.  Still waiting on the wall oven, stove top, fan and microwave  to be hooked up, and waiting and waiting. 

Maybe Open House on Sunday, July 10th? We'll see. 

Thank the Lord for that wonderful shower last evening and this cool morning for the last week of camp and for those precious folks who continue to feed and entertain us. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Kitchen Chronicles Quite a Bend

 I thought three weeks ago that we were about a week and a half out of move-in, but that it hasn't turned out that way.  Cabinets, trim and crown molding were not easy to install with walls that are not square. 

Anyway, Timothy came over to help, with of two his kiddos and brought his new toy, a saw, that he let them help put together.  I've mentioned before that while all the time a part of me is sad that this has required so much of my people's time, another part of me is glad for these kind of teaching opportunities. 

He returned Saturday with Michael for the cabinet/trim corrections.  

Since the big heart event, Handy Man hasn't done a lot of woodworking. He was a bit challenged by these countertops. First of all they are so heavy, and often having only me for help, is like not having any help at all.  He really took his time and managed the stove top and sink holes without incident. They look great. 

It was pretty comical the walks we took across the kitchen with these boards and sawhorses. Lift, move, lift, move. 

He just has one to finish, which needs no holes thankfully. 

I bought a pad of post-its and spent some time this morning mentally going through my old cabinets and figuring out where I will put things in the new ones. I'm curious how many things I've forgotten. 

Adam and Mindy hosted Father's Day yesterday on June's most perfect weather day.  It was lovely. 

I finally got see Uncle Tim's new place- fascinating. 

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. 

As ever, thankful to my heavenly Father for safety through this very tedious ordeal of saws and nails and twisted metal and on and on. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sibling Week

 My favorite part of summer is the time I have to spend with my people.  Aunt Suzi is in town, so all the siblings got to be together on Sunday. Aunt Tish and I got to go to breakfast and peruse a local nursery and bring home some more things to plant- our therapy.  Then Suzi and Tami came on Thursday and spent the whole afternoon.  Adam was here directing kitchen traffic and got to sit a visit for a minute too.  It was the Glenda date, so we got a minute to just talk through that time, remembering her (like we'd ever forget her). 

Next up was most of Ol' Mother Hubbard's Cupboard expressing all their talents in a fabulous rendition of one of my favorites- Fiddler on the Roof. 

We got to meet for dinner. I try to not take these times for granted.  It is not somewhere I have to be, but somewhere I get to be. I soak up their smiles and the laughs and fun.  

Ol' Mother Hubbard exited early with all our jackets to mark our spots in the theatre. Timothy didn't realize that his keys were in his jacket pocket, so we had to reconfigure our travel arrangements. I decided to go with Tami's niece (my sweet and talented hair dresser and neighbor) in her tiny sports car.  Oh wow. Interesting folding my heft into that bit of a car and then trying to get out.  

Here is the Butcher, who obviously already pulled out his beard.  

And Golda, who sang like a nightingale. 

 And the terrifyingly adorable Fruma Sara

Oh yes, the kitchen. I had been holding to hope that perhaps I could start moving things in this week.  No, not quite there yet, but hey, we're as close as we've been.  Thank the Lord, I was able to locate the last known white refrigerator in the entire world. 

It is Handy Man's turn to make these very heavy butcher blocks into countertops, requiring some nerve wracking exactness.  
My hope is that this job will be complete and ready for a reveal on Saturday, July 2nd. 

Camp starts tomorrow, along with the first round of unseasonably hot temperatures. Yee haw!  Say a little prayer for me. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Kitchen Chronicles, Coming Around the Bend

 Sunday I went to see my oldest gramerling graduate. Wow. I didn't get a picture, so will have to see if I can get one to put here. Hard to believe.  I bought him a very interesting fly fishing pole, created to be very light and easy to pack in out when he takes his big trip out west. 

Ah ha, thanks Ceece. 

So today is the big day when the cabinets arrive. A bit nerve wracking to me as I do not like picking out things from samples. So, I feel a bit unnerved. 

I actually felt a bit emotional when this truck pulled in with the cabinets. 
In an interesting turn of events, Mama Wren decided today was the day to boot these babes out of the nest. 

I had to interrupt cabinet installation, because one got caught between the windows and Adam had to come save her  
I've never seen a bunch of grown men so interested in tiny birds. Apparently the guy who has been here the most says the birdies have a following on social media. 

So for the rest of the day I will watch progress and continue my search for the Holy Grail- a white refrigerator.