Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Done and Done

While there were days I seriously doubted I'd ever finishing emptying boxes and finding a home for all my teaching materials, it is done and mostly ready for kiddos tomorrow. Hallelujah!

 My former desk was as big as a barge.  We have had a little wooden desk, gifted to us for the kids back in the day sometime.  Handy Man gave it a new coat of paint and it is in that back corner.  My goal this year is to maintain a cleared desk.  I really tried to think through my places to put things to help make this happen. I don't hold to hope as I am so messy. Something my great nephew enjoyed pointing out to me recently.  I know neatniks cannot grasp the mentality of someone who likes their stuff out and all over. Even though messes are fine by me, I usually know where everything is in the pile.

 My most favorite change is the decal on wall.  If you click a picture you can see it bigger.  That's my favorite spot in the room.

After vacation, I had two more Playdates and a boys only sleep over.

The first Playdate back was supposed to have been Klub Kymbi, but it was pouring rain.  Giddy-Up listened to Little House on the Prairie on the way to Florida and was eager to pretend those things he learned about.  It was really quite hysterical the things the older girl helpers called themselves relating to pioneers and other, ahem, things.
 Everyone got involved in something else.
 You know you have to stare at "The Shirt" and have a little rainy day conversation.
 Everyone needs a little spell of wrestling.
 The rain slowed, so we made our way to the creek.

 When we realized there really wasn't sufficient time for everyone to get painted up, we decided to put that on hold for the next week.  Then we remembered that this one had camp, so she was our only client of the day.
 Pretty girl.
So, the next week we'd combine make-up and science. Sounds reasonable.


  1. Did I read that first paragraph correctly? You have students tomorrow? Amara goes back August 23 and I though that was soon! Love your classroom! Hope it is a great year.

    1. I'm afraid it is so. Today was my first student day of the year.
